STEPS FOR ISSUANCE AND RE-ISSUANCE OF TP CERTIFICATES UNDER OPTION 6 Option 6 University-Based Alternative Certification Workshop
Steps for an Initial Issuance Party Responsible TaskRegulation Candidate Holds a Bachelor's degree from an accredited Institution 16 KAR 5:02016 KAR 5:020 section 1(3)(a) Candidate Applies for admission to an Approved Option 6 institution and program CandidateMeets admission requirements 16 KAR 5:02016 KAR 5:020 section 1(3) Passing score on admission tests (PPST, CASE, or GRE pursuant to 16 KAR 5:020)Section 1(3)(b) 2.75 GPA or 3.0 GPA on the last thirty (30) semester hoursSection 1(3)(a) any content prerequisites as required by institution (e.g. major in the content area)Section 1(4) Candidate (Jan 2015) Initiates required state and federal background checks 16 KAR 9: KAR 9:080 (regulation currently in draft for this addition)
Steps for Initial Issuance Party Responsible TaskRegulation Institution Assesses candidate's educational background and professional dispositions 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 3(3)(a) Institution Provisionally admits candidate to the appropriate alternative route program pending employment Institution Provides explanation of program completion, assessment, and mentoring requirements to the candidate Institution Provide a candidate written and dated documentation of eligibility for the university alternative certification teacher program so that the candidate may be considered for employment pursuant to KRS (2)(h) 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 3(3)(b) Institution Ensures candidate is to begin coursework no later than 90 days from issuance of eligibility letter 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 3(3)(c) Candidate Seeks employment in teaching position consistent with certification program 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 Section 4(2)(b)
Steps for Initial Issuance Party Responsible TaskRegulation DistrictObtains letter of eligibility from the teacher candidate 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 5(1) DistrictSends candidate to SBDM hiring committee District If approved/selected by SBDM hiring committee, extends offer of employment to candidate District Contacts institution to develop mentoring plan and assigns a district mentor 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 3(3)(d) Institution Ensures candidate is showing as fully admitted to an Option 6 program in the EPSB Admissions and Exit program
Party Responsible TaskRegulation District Initiates a TC-TP/CA-TP application and forwards it to the candidate and then the institution 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 5 Candidate Completes, signs and dates Character and Fitness questions 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 5 CandidateSubmits official bachelor's degree transcript to EPSB 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 5(3) Institution Completes page 4 of the TC-TP/CA-TP application and submits it to EPSB along with a copy of the signed mentoring plan 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 5 Institution (new online system) Completes recommendation page, uploads a copy of the mentoring plan, and submits to district for final verification 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 5 District (Jan 2015) Uploads a copy of the required Background Check 16 KAR 9: KAR 9:080 (regulation currently in draft for this revision) District (new online system) Verifies application and submits to EPSB 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 5 Steps for Initial Issuance
Steps for Initial Issuance Party Responsible Task EPSB staff Verifies all materials/documentation has been received - notifies candidate of any missing items TC-TP/CA-TP form complete Offer of employment consistent with certification area (p.1) Signed and dated Character and Fitness form (p.3) Verification of enrollment in an approved KY program (p.4) Mentoring plan received (Jan 2015) Background Check received/clear - forwards to Legal if not clear Official Bachelor's degree transcript received Candidate's admission to an Option 6 alternative route program is showing as "Approved" in the EPSB Admissions/Exit system EPSB staffIssues initial Temporary Provisional certification DistrictPlaces candidate in classroom
Steps for Reissuance – 1 st Renewal Party Responsible TaskRegulation Candidate Completes at least 6 semester hours towards the program 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(1)(b) District Rehires candidate and initiates a new TC-TP/CA-TP, forwarding it to the candidate and then the institution 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(1)(c) DistrictContacts institution to renew/revise mentoring plan 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 3(3)(d) Candidate Completes, signs and dates Character and Fitness questions 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(1)(c) Institution Completes page 4 of the TC-TP/CA-TP application and submits it to EPSB along with a copy of the signed mentoring plan 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(1)(c) Institution (new online system) Completes recommendation page, uploads a copy of the mentoring plan, and submits to district for final verification 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(1)(c) Institution Submits an official transcript showing at least 6 hours towards the program 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(1)(b) District (new online system) Verifies application and submits to EPSB 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(1)(c)
Steps for Reissuance – 1 st Renewal Party Responsible Task EPSB staff Verifies all materials/documentation has been received - notifies candidate of any missing items TC-TP/CA-TP form complete Continued employment consistent with certification area (p.1) Signed and dated Character and Fitness form (p.3) Verification of enrollment in an approved KY program (p.4) Mentoring plan received Official transcript showing at least 6 hours completed towards the program EPSB staffIssues 2 nd Temporary Provisional certification
Steps for Reissuance – 2 nd Renewal Party Responsible TaskRegulation Candidate Completes at least 6 semester hours towards the program 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(2)(b) Candidate Successfully meets all assessment requirements for certification area and submits scores electronically to EPSB 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(2)(c) District Rehires candidate and initiates a new TC-TP/CA-TP, forwarding it to the candidate and then the institution 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(2)(d) District Contacts institution to renew/revise mentoring plan if certificate is on Jan. - Dec renewal cycle and/or all KTIP slots have been allocated 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 3(3)(d) Institution Completes page 4 of the TC-TP/CA-TP application including verification of eligibility for KTIP and submits it to EPSB along with a copy of the signed mentoring plan (if applicable) 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(2)(d) NOTE: Do not submit 3rd/final TC-TP/CA-TP unless candidate is eligible for KTIP
Steps for Reissuance – 2 nd Renewal Party Responsible TaskRegulation Institution (new online system) Completes recommendation page, uploads a copy of the mentoring plan, and submits to district for final verification 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(2)(d) Institution Submits an official transcript showing at least 6 hours towards the program 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(2)(b) District (new online system) Verifies application and submits to EPSB 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 6(2)(d) Institution Completes page 5 of the TC-TP/CA-TP application and sends a copy to the district and a copy to EPSB KTIP staff (will happen automatically with online system) 16 KAR 9:08016 KAR 9:080 section 7(2)
Steps for Reissuance – 2 nd Renewal Party Responsible Task EPSB staff Verifies all materials/documentation has been received - notifies candidate of any missing items TC-TP/CA-TP form complete Continued employment consistent with certification area (p.1) Signed and dated Character and Fitness form (p.3) Verification of enrollment in an approved KY program (p.4) Passing scores of all required assessments Official transcript showing at least 6 hours completed towards the program EPSB staffIssues 3 rd Temporary Provisional certification District KTIP Coordinator enrolls candidate into KTIP using the Intern Management System (If all KTIP slots have been allocated for the year, KTIP Coordinator submits paper COE to get candidate a "Denied to Budget" KTIP slot)
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