Learning Targets Understand the types of teaching certificates that you may be renewing Comprehend the difference between SCECH and DPPD Renew a certificate upon expiration
Important Dates R enewals can be applied for anytime after January 1 of the year, in which it expires without any loss of validity. M ichigan certificates expire on June 30th of any given year. 3
Types of Certificates Provisional Teaching Certificate V alid for up to 6 years. M ay be renewed twice (each renewal valid for approx. 3 years). A dditional 3 rd renewal or 2-Year Extension available under specific conditions. Professional Education Teaching Certificate V alid for up to 5 ½ years. R enewed for an additional 5 years based on meeting the continuing education requirement (no extensions are given). Advanced Professional Education Teaching Certificate N ew (May 18, 2012), optional, and valid for 5 years. N ational Board certification or completion of approved teacher leader training or preparation institution. 5 consecutive effective or highly effective ratings. 4
Types of Certificates Provisional (Initial) Teaching Certificate F IRST F IRST renewal requires 9 semester credit hours, since the issuance of the initial certificate, in a planned program or a master’s degree or higher earned at anytime. S ECOND S ECOND renewal requires 18 semester credit hours. R ules regarding this certificate will be changing September 1,
September 1, 2013 First Provisional Renewal requires completion of ONE Of THE FOLLOWING: 6 semester hours in a planned course of study since the issuance of the provisional certificate at an approved educator preparation institution; OR 180 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) appropriate to the grade level and content endorsement(s) of the certificate held since the issuance of the provisional certificate; OR C ombination of semester credit hours and SCECHs (30 SCECHs equate to 1 semester credit hour) since the issuance of the provisional certificate; OR C ompletion of an approved master’s or higher degree in areas appropriate to K-12 teaching at any time at an approved educator preparation institution. 6
September 1, 2013 Second Provisional Renewal requires completion of ONE of the following: 6 semester hours in a planned course of study since the issuance of the 1 st provisional certificate at an approved educator preparation institution; OR 180 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) appropriate to the grade level and content endorsement(s) of the certificate held since the issuance of the 1 st provisional certificate; OR C ombination of semester credit hours and SCECHs (30 SCECHs equate to 1 semester credit hour) since the issuance of the provisional certificate; OR C ompletion of an approved master’s or higher degree in areas appropriate to K-12 teaching at any time at an approved educator preparation institution. 7
Certificate Advanc Certificate Advanc ement 8 Advancement to the… Professional Education Certificate 18 semester credits in a planned program since the issuance of the initial certificate, or a master’s degree (or higher) earned at any time. 3 years of satisfactory experience within the validity of the Provisional teaching certificate. 3-6 credits of reading or reading methods (may be a part of original teacher prep program). 3 semester credit reading diagnostics requirement. R ules regarding this certificate will be changing September 1, 2013.
September 1, 2013 Advancement to the Professional Certificate 3 years of successful teaching experience. A ppropriate reading credit (3/6 content + 3 diagnostics). A nd ONE of the following since the issuance of the Provisional Certificate: 6 semester hours in a planned course of study at an approved educator preparation institution (3 credits of diagnostics can count). 180 SCECH. 150 DPPD hours in accordance with Michigan School Code Sections Combination of the three = a total of SCECH =1 semester credit hour = 30 clock hours of DPPD 9
Professional Education Certificate Renewal Current Requirements Completion of 6 semester hours of credit at any 4-year or community college listed in the Directory of Michigan Institutions of Higher Education at an approved out-of-state university; OR Earned 180 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH, formerly known as SB-CEU); OR Completed 150 District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) hours in accordance with Michigan School Code Section ; OR A combination of semester credits, SCECH and/or DPPD = a total of
Alternate Route to Teaching Michigan Alternate Route to Interim Teaching Certification (MARITC) to prepare teachers. Requirements include: BA degree or higher with 3.0 GPA. Passage of Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) Basic Skills and content tests. Program: Minimum of 12 semester hours. Interim certification to enter classroom immediately. Interim certificate is a 5 years certificate and is issued by program provider. 11
Alternate Route to Teaching Approved Providers Requirements Complete 3 years of satisfactory teaching with Interim certificate to be eligible for the Provisional or Professional certificate. New providers must model programs after established/successful alternate routes. Established programs must meet criteria of department rubric. Approval is conditional until programs can prove effectiveness. Currently, none have been approved 12
Expert in Residence Permit Issued to a district to employ an individual to teach a specific subject area for 2 or fewer hours a day. Requirements: Posting and advertising (for initial, not for subsequent renewals) Bachelor’s degree or higher. Demonstration of unusual distinction or exceptional talent in the field of specialization to be taught. 5 years of successful work experience in the field of specialization in the 7-years preceding (world language experts are exempt from experience, but required oral language proficiency testing). Completion of an orientation to teaching that includes classroom management, instructional strategies, and working with diverse learners. valid for the school year for which it is issued and expires on August 31 of that year. 13
SCECHs and Secure Central Registry (1 of 2) A dministrative Rules changes eliminated State Board Continuing Education Units (SB-CEUs) and established State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs). A ll SCECHs obtained after January 1, 2010, are awarded via the Secure Central Registry (SCR). Must maintain paper certificates awarded prior to December 31, E ducators must have a personal account in the SCR to be awarded SCECHs. T he provided to the SCECH Coordinator and used for the SCR account creation must match. 14
SCECHs and Secure Central Registry (2 of 2) O nline evaluation must be completed to receive SCECHs. T he SCR is available 24/7 and personal accounts can be accessed from any computer. P IC number in SCR account must match MOECS. A bility to add “old SB-CEUs” (prior to January 1, 2010) in MOECS