October, 2014 STRICTLY PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Intesa Sanpaolo Group Presentation
Intesa Sanpaolo Group - current positioning in Romania B.C. INTESA SANPAOLO ROMANIA S.A.100Banking Intesa Sanpaolo SpA % Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze SpA % ISP Holding International SA % INTESA SANPAOLO LEASING ROMANIA IFN S.A.100Leasing ISPRO – 99,49% CIB Leasing – 0,51% Company Stake Percent Sector / Activity Shareholding The bank is present in most of the regions of the country covering with its network of branches the entire financial range of products needed by both corporate and retail customers. Total branches: 44 Total agencies: 32 Units: 76 (February 2014) Rank: 16 (out of 40 banks, asset wise) Total Assets: € 1,13 bln Clients: Employees: 823 LEGAL LENDING LIMIT: € 20 mln
Banca IMI is an effective gateway to international institutional investors CEEMEA New York Sales Team covering US and Latin-American Clients Banca IMI has the deepest coverage of the domestic Italian investor base and one of the largest pools of investors in Continental Europe Milan Sales Team covering Banca IMI’s core Institutional Clients London Sales Team covering Pan- European Institutional Clients Banca IMI covers more than 170 accounts in the US and 350 across Europe* Additional EM sales staff covers dedicated EM funds only: c. 100 accounts in Europe and c. 50 in the US *including EM accounts Americas Europe
Banca IMI selected corporate DCM credentials EUR 1.000M 61NC 6yr 5.000% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner January 2014 EUR 1000M Perpetual % EUR 1000M Perpetual 4.125% GBP 750M Perpetual 5.875% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner January 2014 EUR 500M Long 8yr 3.625% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner December 2013 EUR 500M 10yr 3.000% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner October 2013 EUR 500M 7.5yr 3.500% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner October 2013 EUR 500M long 8yr 3.000% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner October 2013 EUR 600M 10yr 2.950% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner January 2014 EUR 600M 10yr 3.250% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner January 2014 EUR 1.000M 15yr 3.625% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner January 2014 EUR 500M 5yr 2.250% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner March 2014 USD 750n 10y 3.375% USD 2.25bn 30y 4.5% Co-Manager March 2014 EUR 500M 10yr 2.375% Green bond Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner June 2014 EUR 300M 7yr 3.000% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner July 2014 EUR 1,200M 6yr 1.375% EUR 1,300M 12yr 2.365% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner May 2014 EUR 1.250M 60yr NC54m 6,500% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner September 2013 EUR 1,000M 5yr 1.625% EUR 1,000M 10 yr 2.625% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner January 2013 GBP 1250M 6.000% PNC13 EUR 1250M % PNC7 EUR 1250M 5.375% PNC12 Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner January 2013 EUR 500M 6yr 3.000% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner July 2013 EUR 300M 8yr Floating Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner August 2014 EUR 750M 5yr 1.750% EUR 600M 10yr 3,000% Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner July 2014
Intesa Sanpaolo Project & Industry Specialised Lending: selected credentials in the Energy & Power sector Financing for the acquisition of emergency reserves of crude oil and petroleum products Sponsor: Emergency Oil Stocks Agency Tenor: 2 years Role: Bookrunner and Mandated Lead Arranger Total Debt: EUR 520 M Banca IMI Commitment: EUR 130 M The Project will consist of 4 separate trains that will achieve substantial completion in with an annual aggregate production capacity of 834,000,000 MMBtu America’s Deal of the Year (IFR) Sponsor: Cheniere Energy Partners (owned by Cheniere Energy (60%) and Blacksone (32%)) Tenor: 15 years Role: Joint Lead Arranger and joint Bookrunner Total Debt: USD 6 BN Intesa Sanpaolo Commitment: USD 400 M EUR 520 M Emergency Reserves Acquisition Bookrunner & Mandated Lead Arranger Slovak Republic 2013 USD 6 BN Financing the construction and operation of the Sabine Pass natural gas Liquefaction Facility Joint Lead Arranger and joint Bookrunner USA 2013 The Project will consist of the Acquisition of the residual 14,8% stake in Enel Rete Gas Sponsor: F2i, Ardian (former AXA Private Equity) Tenor: 5 years Role: Agent, MLA Total Debt: EUR 210 MLN Banca IMI Commitment: EUR 35 M EUR 210 M Financing the Acquisition of the residual 14,8% stake in Enel Rete Gas Mandated Lead Arranger and Agent Italy 2013 Refinancing of SNAM SpA intercompany debt post ENI disposal EMEA Loan of the Year (IFR) Sponsor: SNAM SpA Tenor: 5 years Role: Mandated Lead Arranger and Bookrunner Total Debt: EUR 9 BN Intesa Sanpaolo Commitment: EUR 800 M EUR 9 BN Refinancing of SNAM SpA intercompany debt post ENI disposal Mandated Lead Arranger and Bookrunner Italy 2012 Financing of a portion of the acquisition of Edipower SpA by Delmi SpA and refinancing of Edipower’s existing indebtness Sponsors: Delmi SpA, A2A SpA and Iren SpA Tenor: 5 years Role: Agent, Mandated Lead Arranger and Documentation Bank Total Debt: EUR 1.2 BN Banca IMI Commitment: EUR 200 M EUR 1.2 BN Acquisition of Edipower by Delmi SpA and refinancing of Edipower Agent, Mandated Lead Arranger & Documentation Bank Italy 2012 EUR 1,75 BN Refinancing of the existing financial indebtedness through bank lines and bonds issuance MLA, Facility Agent,Joint Bookrunner in the bonds issuance Italy 2014 Refinancing of the existing financial indebtedness through bank lines and bonds issuance Sponsor: F2i, ARDIAN Tenor: 5 years Role: MLA, Facility Agent and Joint Bookrunner Total Debt: EUR M Banca IMI Commitment: EUR 275 M
Disclaimer All information, estimates, assumptions, projections contained in this presentation are based on publicly available documents and data, and have not been independently verified by Intesa Sanpaolo; such informative set is supplied merely to the purpose of preliminary discussions of the issues addressed herein and the related possible project Intesa Sanpaolo is not liable as to accuracy, completeness and correctness of the above-mentioned data, although it has used all due attention and care in setting up and reporting information and estimates contained in this presentation Therefore Intesa Sanpaolo shall not have any responsibility whatsoever, direct or indirect, and does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, with reference to any information contained in this document; similarly, Intesa Sanpaolo disclaims any and all liabilities for any decision about the issues addressed herein or about the implementation of the related possible project This Document does not constitute or contain investment advice. It is not and shall not be construed as an offer, invitation, recommendation or solicitation to sell, issue, purchase or subscribe for any securities in any jurisdiction, or to enter into any transaction This document, and the information herein, is strictly confidential and intended for the exclusive use of the recipients to which it is supplied, in connection with the above mentioned preliminary discussions. The document and the related information, data, assumptions, estimates shall not be used for other purposes or, without the prior written consent of Intesa Sanpaolo, distributed, disclosed or supplied to third parties (unless required under statutory provisions in force), or reproduced or considered other than as a whole. © 2014 Intesa Sanpaolo; all rights reserved