30 June -2 July 2010 Presented By Louisa Makumbe Plant Quarantine Services Rainbow Towers - Harare.


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Presentation transcript:

30 June -2 July 2010 Presented By Louisa Makumbe Plant Quarantine Services Rainbow Towers - Harare

PRESENTATION LAYOUT Overview of Document 3: SADC Protocol- on Quarantine and Phytosanitary measures for seed Overview of Quarantine and Phytosanitary measures for seed legislation and process in Zimbabwe Inconsistencies between SADC Protocol vs National Legislation and practice What should be done to align National Legislation and procedures to the SADC protocol Role of stakeholders to achieve alignment

Overview of Document 3: SADC Protocol- on Quarantine and Phytosanitary measures for seed I NTRODUCTION Following extensive technical and policy consultations, 3 proposals concerning harmonization of seed regulations in SADC were developed by the SADC Secretariat This was done through the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (FANR) Directorate Presented to a meeting of SADC Permanent Secretaries of Agriculture in Maputo, Mozambique, 7-8 December The 3 proposals were: (1) SADC Crop Variety Testing, Registration and Release System, (2) SADC Seed Certification and Quality Assurance System, and (3) SADC Quarantine and Phytosanitary Measures for Seed.

Key features of the revised proposal They are in harmony with existing national regulations and National authorities maintain full control of the implementation of the harmonisation systems (Agreements) The SADC Secretariat simply plays a coordinating and facilitating role. As the Harmonization Agreements (Systems) are being implemented National authorities and institutions will contribute in the execution to the extent allowed by national capacity.

Purpose To enhance safer and faster movement of seed through establishing common Quarantine and Phytosanitary Measures for seed in the SADC Region, (science-based) i.e Reduced direct and indirect costs related to seed trade Encouragement of safe movement and dissemination of seeds. Introducing a rationalized SADC pest lists for the movement of seeds between Member States, and between SADC and outside countries To carry our procedures in a transparent manner supported by appropriate documentation.

Organisation The Project Management Unit (PMU)of the SADC Seed Security Network SSSN, with technical support from the SADC Seed Committee (SSC) and National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs), will be responsible for the following: assisting Member States with documentation of current Measures and their impacts on seed exchange facilitating the organization of technical reviews to develop better standards and procedures and to secure that new initiatives are in line with regional and international agreements; design and support efforts that will secure political support to rationalize and harmonize regulations

Organisation (2) assist in establishment of databases to record current national regulations and key documents, issuance of permits (including seed quantities involved), critical issues, and disputes keep Member States informed via the SADC-FANR Website and through other means and assist in sourcing funding to support the above activities.

Organisation (3) The PMU will seek close collaboration with the NPPOs and support the organization of regional meetings to address: Development and updating of Phytosanitary guidelines and procedures for seed Identification and recommendation of better methodologies for utilization in the Phytosanitary system(s) for seed and Development of methods to monitor and provide technical backstopping to the established system(s).

Rationalized pest lists Two rationalized pest lists have been introduced (i) A SADC list of pests which require control when there is seed trade between SADC Member states, and (ii) a SADC list of pests which require control when there is seed trade into a SADC country from outside the Region The lists only include: pests which are of economic significance, are not common in the SADC Region and are seed borne

Advantages of the rationalised Pest List Testing and quarantine measures for seed are only required for diseases which are not common in all SADC Member States, are seed borne, and are of economic importance; Since all SADC Member States are testing for the same diseases, re-testing of seed consignments on arrival in the importing country may be reduced and eventually no longer be necessary - except in cases where there are concrete reasons to assume that a new pest and/or disease may be introduced;

Advantages of the rationalised Pest List (2) The need for a country to test seed which is to be re- exported after a period in transit may be reduced; and Since fewer pests will need to be checked at entry points, clearance and entry of consignments will be faster. For seed movement from a country outside SADC to a SADC when it has been established by the importing SADC country that the consignment meets SADC requirements then the seed can be moved to any other SADC country without further testing.

Equivalency Member States are encouraged: to recognize that an alternative level of protection or risk reduction may be obtained by applying alternative methods to control quarantine pests. This will be through the use of alternative methods that are declared and technically and economically feasible for use as long as it provides the same level of protection against pests. To promote trade and speedy movement of seeds within SADC use of mutually recognized alternative measures should be encouraged and in line with the provisions of the SPS Agreement

Phytosanitary documentation and procedures Seed lots moving in the Region and in international trade must be accompanied by appropriate documentation which serves to certify that the seed lot complies with Phytosanitary requirements. Key documents are the following: Plant Import Permit: Must be issued by the importing country authorising the importation of seeds in accordance with specified Phytosanitary requirements. The Permit must accompany the seed lot and be presented to inspectors at exit and entry points. Phytosanitary Certificate: Is issued by the exporting country and serves to certify that requirements specified on the Import Permit have been met. The Phytosanitary Certificate must therefore also be presented to the inspectors at exit and entry points.

Phytosanitary documentation and procedures (2) Non-compliance Notification: Is issued by the importing country and forwarded to the NPPO of the exporting country in the case where consignments of seeds, and/or the accompanying Phytosanitary Certificates, do not comply with the conditions set in the Plant Import Permit, and/or where a quarantine pest has been intercepted. Re-export Phytosanitary Certificate: The need for this document occurs when a consignment of seeds, arriving from the export country, is being stored and/or repacked by the importing country under circumstances which may expose the consignment to infestation or infection before re-export to a third country – or if the consignment stayed longer in the transit country than determined by the NPPO. The Certificate is issued by the Country where the seeds was in transit and is attached to the Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the exporting country.

Format for Permits and Certificates Member States will adopt common formats for the various certificates and other documents and ensure that the certificates provide the necessary information. The 3 documents, which are designed in line with such requirements, are : Plant Import Permit Phytosanitary Certificate Re-Export Phytosanitary Certificate Where these forms are not yet being used, the PMU will assist as required with their introduction.

Overview of Quarantine and Phytosanitary measures for seed legislation and process in Zimbabwe Phytosanitary Regulations and Standards Plant Pests And Diseases Act Chapter 19:08 Regulatory powers to inspect, disinfect and eradicate pests and disease on behalf of the Minister of Agriculture Zimbabwe is a signatory to the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (WTO-SPS) Although not yet a contracting member to the FAO- International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) it follows International Standards of Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)

Seed Imports Procedure  To import seed into Zimbabwe, an Import Permit is to be applied for prior to movement of seed by the importer so as to get details of conditions of importation  The Zimbabwe NPPO issues Import Permit only after having seen the following documentation:  documentation from Seed Services Department in the way of application form allowing for importation of the seed.

Application form format

Seed Services Application form

Seed Imports Procedure (2)  At the discretion of the Head of the NPPO a pre-shipment inspection may be requested for prior to processing of the Import Permit  The cost of the pre-shipment inspection is borne by the importer (Private Sector) in the form of inspection fees and transport and accommodation for the Plant Health Inspector at gazetted government rates of per diem  For seed meant for humanitarian aid or donations Government bears the costs  Upon analysis of results from sampled seed and satisfaction of no risk posed of importing the seed he Import Permit is issued to the importer who sends to the exporter for use to apply to export seed.

Import permit

Seed Imports Procedure (3)  Seed should follow seed export procedures (Seed Health and Control aspects) for the NPPO of the country from which seed is coming from.  Consignments of seed are to be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate on a Government prescribed form from the NPPO of the country from which seed is coming from.  Form to have been completed by the Plant Health Inspector indicating certification of conditions required by importing country ( Zimbabwe).

Seed Export Procedure Export of seed begins with the potential exporter applying Phytosanitary Field Inspection The Field Inspections Conducted during active growth stages of seed crop Phytosanitary Field Inspection Report filed and copy submitted to potential exporter

Seed Export Procedure (2) Exporter makes an Export Application and brings samples of seed to be exported Phytosanitary Field Inspection Report of seed to be exported Import permit from country where seed intends to be exported Export permit (Control of goods Act) from the Economics and Markets Department in the Ministry of Agriculture

Export Permit

Seed Export Procedure (2) Decision to do seed health /seed testing is made Seed health test results used to make recommendations for export Recommendation may be in the form of: Seed treatment prior to export Export non-approval Phytosanitary certificate issued

Phytosanitary Certificate

Inconsistencies between SADC protocol vs National Legislation and Practice What should be done to align national Legislation and procedures to the SADC protocol Stakeholder involvement to achieve alignment Field inspection during active growth of seed crops -SADC protocol to include harmonised procedures on field inspection of seed crops Regional Quarantine and Phytosanitary Officers, Seed growers and Companies Pre-shipment inspection of important seed crops - mainly due to stored product pests which in Zimbabwe are restricted to some areas and still under management - Harmonised pest lists should also consider the risk of spread of arthropods pests through seed trade -If there is a harmonised procedure of inspection and requirements for seed prior to export then within SADC, pre- shipment inspection may not be necessary within SADC Documentation (Re-export permit) NPPO of Zimbabwe does not have a set out re- export permit. The ordinary export permit is used and labelled Re-export -need to standardise infrastructure, human capacity and to check up on uniformity of testing methods GM-free certificationHarmonisation

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