6th International PHOTOMOD User Conference Digital photogrammetric technologies. PHOTOMOD system: Current state and future development September 19-21, 2006, Bechichi, Republic of Montenegro * * * EXHIBITOR: “InfoMap” LLC, Belgrade, The Republic of Serbia, Serbia & Montenegro “InfoMap” LLC, Novi Grad, The Republic of Serbska, Bosnia & Herzegovina Surveying, Photogrammetry, Cartography & GIS Title: Technology, procedure, regulations and application of digital photogrammetry Ljubomir Jovanić, B.Sc.Geod. & Leon Dražić, B.Sc.Geod. Belgrade, February 2006.
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Introduction Environment in the field of photogrammetry; - Conditions for business performance in photogrammetry; - Insufficient and indistinct public sector support; - Non-regulated area; - Non-defined market;
Consequences of neglected businessmen and users in photogrammetry activities - Unclear goals and unclear usability value of photogrammetric products with the very clients; - Unclear product quality; - Unclear procedures in the issuance of air surveying licences and working pemits, - Uncertainty of clients whose equipment is put to work and the legality issues; - Vulnerability to corruption; - Huge market prices reduction which leads to the poor product quality; - State and competent authorities do not sanction illegal companies performing photogrammetry
PREPARATORY WORKS IN AIR SURVEYING – SURVEYING PROJECT - Surveying scale ; - Camera; - Longitudinal overlap ; - Photomaterial; - Time of the year and weather ; - Flight plan; - GCP Plan ; - Liable schemer ; - Inspection and certification by competent authority ;
TERRAIN PREPARATION AND PHOTOSIGNALIZATION: - Of existing geodetic base points and supplementary points for ground control points ; - Immobility / real estate boundaries; - Signalization time and control ; - Signal shapes and types ; - Description of the positions of signaled ground control points ; - Producing survey as a part of definitive technical contractor’s report.
PERFORMED AIR SURVEYING CONTROL - Quality of photomaterial ; - Review of films’ coverage away / different from the planned one; - Review of films’ declination away / different from those acceptable and planned values; - Flight altitude declination away / different from the planned; - Negative correctness; - Generation of technical report on air surveying realization.
InfoMap Generation of technical report with respect to air surveying realization Surveying dateFilm Surveying ScaleFilm sensitivity CameraFMC device utilization ObjectiveLongitudinal overlap Camera constantStrip overlap FilterGPS supported surveying - Camera calibration certificate; - Data regarding kinematic identification of projecting centers; - Possible additional surveying.
InfoMap AEROTRIANGULATION - Measurement of internal orientation; - GCP measurement; - Measurement of tie points; - Block adjustment; - Technical report AT.
InfoMap Aerotriangulation report - Distinct outline of all given and newly made points, images and strips ; - Data on camera calibration and stereoplotters; - Input coordinates for given points ; - Measurements (graphic / model coordinates); - Calculation results (equalized coordinates of both given and linking points, their declination, mean errors of detection and equalization, statistic data for equalization, a list of ejected points and elements of outer orientation for every image within the block); - Equalized coordinates with mean errors in assigning; - Control points.
InfoMap STEREOPLOTTING / SURVEYING AND MAPPING - Registry of photogrammetric works, orientation and reference sheet; - Stereo plotting; - Catalogues - symbols for points, lines and areas symbols; - Vertical and horizontal content procedure and collecting (stereo plotting real estate cadastre boundary and properties / topographic plans and maps ); - DTM content supplement (characteristic points, lines and areas) as well as processing of contours; - Stereoplotting detail control x,y,z; - Supplementary terrain surveying and deciphering; - Technical report.
InfoMap EXISTING REGULATIONS APPLIED 1.) The Law on Surveying property and Real Estate Cadastre and Registry Property Rights; 2.) Regulation on technical documentation for performance of geodetic works and acquiring powers to project geodetic works 3.) Rules on content, methods, conditions/requirements and inspection of carrying out geodetic works within engineering and technical fields; 4.) Instructions on collecting real estate data – detail recording methods – aerophotogrammetric method 5.) Regulation on application of GPS technology within the surveying framework (Ñë.ãë. : ÐÑ áð. 69/2002); 6.) Regulation of Digital Cadastral Maps 7*.) Proposal for the Rule Book on Production of Digital Ortophoto Plan was utilized as professional guidance (this regulation was in the making as of April 2002, working version of the proposal was submitted.)
InfoMap Novi Grad, BIH / Beograd, Serbia Tel/faks , ,