Preserve Sudbury 35 ARTICLE 35 SUDBURY CITIZENS' RESOLUTION TO POSTPONE ADVANCEMENT ON THE PROPOSED BRUCE FREEMAN RAIL TRAIL WHEREAS: the “Character of Sudbury” Statement adopted by Town Meeting in 1998 states strongly the town voters desire to preserve Sudbury’s rural, historical, and agricultural roots ; WHEREAS: the Sudbury Master Plan dated 2001 promotes development that protects and preserves natural resources; WHEREAS: the Town of Sudbury relies solely on ground water wells for its drinking water;
Preserve Sudbury 35 WHEREAS: the Town of Sudbury residents and the majority of businesses rely solely on septic systems for waste water treatment; WHEREAS: it is a an undisputed scientific fact that the pervious surfaces and natural vegetation assist greatly in the removal of pollutants, including heavy metals and pathogens; from storm water runoff; WHEREAS: the Town of Sudbury must comply with its federal EPA Phase II MS4 permit requirements for treatment of runoff; WHEREAS: the Sudbury Town Manager refused to release the draft Feasibility Study to the permitting boards, in particular the Conservation Commission, for comment prior to the issuance of the final Feasibility Study;
Preserve Sudbury 35 WHEREAS: the final Feasibility Study lacked information that was presented at the 2005 ATM as part of the scope of the Feasibility Study, such information being crucial to the voter’s decision to proceed with subsequent funding for the BFRT; WHEREAS: the Sudbury Board of Selectmen have not as yet decided to subject the proposed Bruce Freeman Bike Trail to the same environmental standards, particularly the Sudbury Wetlands Administration Bylaw; as any other project in Town; WHEREAS: the Sudbury Historical Commission has raised serious concerns for the aesthetics of the project as promoted in the Feasibility Study And,
Preserve Sudbury 35 WHEREAS: the Town of Sudbury continues to expend and request additional funds on preliminary work for the BFRT without an overall vision for the Trail that complies with the above THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: That the voters of the Town of Sudbury inform the Sudbury Board of Selectmen and Sudbury Town Manager that they do not wish to proceed with the BFRT until an overall vision acceptable to the voters exists and it is demonstrated that the ultimate conceptual design of the Trail will be in compliance with all local development laws and regulations.