Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Foreign Body Airway Obstruction A choking person’s airway may be completely or partially blocked. A complete blockage is an urgent medical emergency. A partial obstruction can quickly become life threatening if the person looses the ability to breath in and out sufficiently. Without oxygen, permanent brain damage can occur in as little as 4 minutes.
Do not perform first aid if the person is coughing forcefully and able to speak. A strong cough can dislodge the object on its own.
The universal sign for someone choking is the hand at the throat. Unable to speak, breath, or cough.
Ask the person: “Are you choking?” Ask the person: “Can you speak?” Tell the person you will help them. Are you choking? Can you speak?
Stand behind the person. Wrap your arms around the person. Make a fist. Put thumb side of fist just above the belly button and below the breastbone.
Grasp fist with other hand. Make quick, upward and inward thrust with your fist.
Continue thrust until the object is dislodge or the person looses consciousness. If the person becomes unconscious, lower person to the floor, call 911, and begin CPR. If you see the object blocking the airway try to remove it.