Choose a verb that ends with -ER or -IR Drop the -ER or -IR ending Add a new ending to match the subject
To say I am doing an action, add the letter –o.
Yo (I) -o
I eat › Step 1: comer › Step 2: com- › Step 3: como
I share › Step 1: compartir › Step 2: compart- › Step 3: comparto
To say we are doing an action, add the letters –emos for an –er verb, or –imos for an –ir verb.
Yo (I) -o Nosotros (we) -emos -imos
we eat › Step 1: comer › Step 2: com- › Step 3: comemos
we share › Step 1: compartir › Step 2: compart- › Step 3: compartimos
To say you (familiar) (tú) are doing an action, add the letters –es
Yo (I) -o Nosotros (we) -emos -imos You (familiar) -es
You (familiar) eat › Step 1: comer › Step 2: com- › Step 3: comes
You (familiar) share › Step 1: compartir › Step 2: compart- › Step 3: compartes
To say one person (he, she, you formal) is doing an action, add the letter –e
Yo (I) -o Nosotros (we) -emos -imos You (familiar) -es Él, Ella, Ud. (He, She, You formal) -e
Pablo eats › Step 1: comer › Step 2: com- › Step 3: Pablo come
You (formal) share › Step 1: compartir › Step 2: compart- › Step 3: Ud. comparte
To say more than one person (they, you all) is doing an action, add the letters –en
Yo (I) -o Nosotros (we) -emos -imos You (familiar) -es Él, Ella, Ud. (He, She, You formal) -e Ellos, Ellas, Uds (they, you all) -en
They (M) eat › Step 1: comer › Step 2: com- › Step 3: ellos comen
You (all) share › Step 1: compartir › Step 2: compart- › Step 3: Uds. comparten
To say the “vosotros” form (you informal plural) is doing an action, add the letters –éis for an –er verb, or ís for an –ir verb.
Yo (I) -o Nosotros (we) -emos -imos You (familiar) -es Vosotros -éis -ís Él, Ella, Ud. (He, She, You formal) -e Ellos, Ellas, Uds (they, you all) -en