Eni Ecuador “Smart Foam Pig” first application Alberto Di Lullo, Keith C. Hester eni e&p Flow Assurance Eng. Techn. 2014-07-02 – Rev.0
Agenda Approach Sensors Preliminary results for pigged pipelines: Villano A – CPF Villano B – Villano A CPF – Sarayacu Sarayacu – Baeza 2
Application of e-splora™ tools: Approach Application of e-splora™ tools: Autonomous sensors traveling with plastic pigs to gain insight on flowlines. Pressure (absolute, dP across pig), temperature, acceleration. Easily applicable in a number of pigging situations. Minimal pig modifications required. Able to detect potential problems Including flow restrictions from solids accumulations, dents, etc. Unable to determine the cause of a restriction (dents, deposits, …)
Sensor Types HT/HP Sensors HP Sensors Acceleration Sensors Pressure (up to 300 bara) Temperature (up to 80oC) HP Sensors Pressure (up to 200 bara) Temperature (up to 40oC) Acceleration Sensors Pressure (up to 100 bara) Temperature (up to 60oC) 3-axial accelerometer Syntactic foam protective case
Villano A – CPF (launched on 24 Jun 2014) Acceleration sensors: 2 front + 2 rear As received Front and Sensors: 1 protected, 1 “naked” Front sensors torn from the pig Rear Sensors in place and functional Pre-launch
Villano A – CPF (launched on 24 Jun 2014) Unstable flow The rear pig pressure (the only available sensor data) matches well with the hydrostatic pressure (elevation profile given). Corrections were applied for variable pig speed & unstable rate. 6
Villano A – CPF (launched on 24 Jun 2014) Pig velocity profile along flowline Comparison of values inferred from flowrate with values derived from sensor analysis 7
Villano A – CPF (launched on 24 Jun 2014) Unstable flow Possible feature? By subtracting hydrostatic pressure from the rear pig pressure, the frictional pressure component was extracted showing good linear behavior. 8
Villano A – CPF (launched on 24 Jun 2014) Preliminary conclusions: The measurement was significantly affected by flow instabilities. Some were tentatively corrected, but some uncertainties remain, both in feature detection and position Front sensors were missing, so that the pressure differential across the pig is not known One possible feature to be checked at about 41700 m from VA, potentially where the front sensors might have been torn from the pig Features have a number of potential causes, including dents, solids (sand) accumulations, and diameter changes 9
Villano B – Villano A (launched on 24 Jun 2014) HT/HP sensors, 1 rear + 1 front, due to high temperatures Pig OD = 32.5 cm Intact Sensors Front Sensor Rear Sensor Rear plug expelled Plugged Holes Pre-launch As received
Villano B – Villano A (launched on 24 Jun 2014) Comparison of Pig Speed obtained by the measured field flow-rate and by matching pig pressure with hydrostatic pressure 11
Villano B – Villano A (launched on 24 Jun 2014) Possibly due to the unplugging of rear pig hole Possible feature to be checked Rear pressure matches the shape of the hydrostatic pressure computed from the elevation profile (Corrections applied for variable pig speed). 12
Villano B – Villano A (launched on 24 Jun 2014) The delta pressure across the pig provides additional indications of possible small restrictions in the line (exact origin of which cannot be inferred from the pig data) 13
Villano B – Villano A (launched on 24 Jun 2014) Preliminary conclusions: The measurement was affected by flow instabilities during start-up. Some of these effects have been corrected. However, some uncertainties remain both in feature detection and position, One possible feature detected at about 130 m from VB, Other smaller features at approximate distances from VB: 230 m 310 m 400 m 525 m 890 m 995 m 1440 m 1670 m 1775 m 14
CPF – Sarayacu (launched on 25 Jun 2014) HT/HP sensors (2 front+rear) and Accel sensors (2 front+rear) Pig OD = 32.5 cm As received Acceleration Sensors HT/HP Sensors Intact Sensors (except for front acceleration sensor) Pre-launch
(Corrections applied for variable pig speed). CPF – Sarayacu (launched on 25 Jun 2014) Rear pressure matches the shape of the hydrostatic pressure a part from a specific section, which represents an unknown anomaly (Corrections applied for variable pig speed). 16
CPF – Sarayacu (launched on 25 Jun 2014) Wax deposits The frictional pressure drop shows anomalies which indicate possible deposits or restrictions. The red arrow indicates a localized anomaly (exact origin of which cannot be inferred from the pig data) 17
CPF – Sarayacu (launched on 25 Jun 2014) The deltaP across the pig shows anomalies which indicate possible deposits or restrictions. In blue, valve-induced anomalies. In red, the less explicable ones. (exact origin of which cannot be inferred from the pig data) 18
CPF – Sarayacu (launched on 25 Jun 2014) Preliminary conclusions: The pressure data show anomalies which might be attributed to wax deposition, but also inexplicable anomalies were detected (30-35 km) The pressure drop measured across the pig correlates well with the position of several valves, but some other features are to examined more carefully, notably at 92900m approximately The pig stopped at arrival in Sarayacu for several hours. Apparently this is where also the pig recovered in 2004 stopped. This may represent a criticality. The average pig velocity is 0.23 m/s, and about a half of this value before valve#5. This represents another pigging criticality. 19
Sarayacu – Baeza (launched on 27 Jun 2014) HP Sensors: 3 front + 3 rear (Pressure), 1 front (Temperature) Sensors all present and functional Front sensors Rear sensors Pre-launch As recovered, with about 20kg of deposits
Sarayacu – Baeza (launched on 27 Jun 2014) The frictional pressure drop shows anomalies which indicate possible deposits or restrictions (exact origin of which cannot be inferred from the pig data) 21
Sarayacu – Baeza (launched on 27 Jun 2014) End of wax Deposition? ? Onset of wax Deposition? The delta P across the pig shows further features such as start of wax deposition and other deviations (but pipe welds are never visible) 22
Sarayacu – Baeza (launched on 27 Jun 2014) Preliminary conclusions: The pressure data show anomalies which might be attributed to wax(?) deposition, but also other inexplicable anomalies were detected (e.g. at about km 35) The frictional pressure drop profile is linear overall, but shows localized anomalies The pig velocity was about 0.3 m/s (which is below the typical ILI expected speed but closer to it than the speed in the CPF-Sarayacu section) 23