K ABALIKAT SA K ALIGTASAN First Aid Procedures Philippine National Red Cross. First Aid for the Community Training Handbook
E MERGENCY A CTION P RINCIPLES Survey the scene Activate medical assistance Do a primary survey of the victim A – AirwayB – BreathingC – Circulation Do a secondary survey of the victim Interview the victim Check the vital signs Head-to-Toe examination First Aid Procedures
Universal Sign of HELP 80% - first aider 20% - victim L - ook - movement in the chest L - isten- flow of air F - eel - the air on your cheeks Determining the body temperature - back of the hand First Aid Procedures
I N C LEANING THE W OUND Wash the wound with clean soap and water Clean using the cotton with povidone iodine or betadine Circular motion cleaning – in to out DRESSING or COMPRESS - any sterile cloth used to cover the wound Functions - it controls bleeding - protects the wound from infection - absorbs liquid from the wound BANDAGES - any cloth or material used to hold the dressing Functions - control bleeding - immobilize the body - ties splints in place First Aid Procedures
N OSE B LEEDING First Aid - Keep the patient in sitting position to reduce pressure on the head and keep the patient’s head tilted slightly forward - Pinch the soft part of the nose between the thumb and fingers -If bleeding persists, have the patient gently blow the nose to remove any irregular clots -Apply ice pack over the nose and cheeks First Aid Procedures
Five-Five Approach First deliver five back blows between the person’s shoulder blades with the heel of your hand Perform five abdominal thrusts or Heimlich Maneuver Alternate between five back blows and five abdominal thrusts until the blockage is dislodged C HOKING First Aid Procedures
C HOKING Do the Heimlich Maneuver Lean the person forward slightly and stand behind him Make a fist with one hand Put your arms around the person and grasp your fist with your other hand near the top of the stomach, just below the center of the rib cage Make a quick hard movement inward and upward First Aid Procedures