Training the Middleweight Force in the Post-OEF Environment Preparing for future training by Training and Education Command Staff
The Training & Education Continuum Naval Ops Expeditionary Warfighting Crisis Response OSD InitiativesOPLANSJoint Initiatives Standards Based + METs Focuses = READINESS Common Skills Training Entry Level Training (MCRDs) (TRNGCMD) Service Level MAGTF Training (MAGTF-TC) Block 1 Block 2 and 3 Block 4 Deploy / Employ Professional Military Education (EDCOM) Unit Training Initial / Skill Progression / Functional Training (TRNGCMD) Doctrine Lessons LL Lessons Learned Figure 1. Training and Education Continuum
Readily Deployable Forces Future Pre-Deployment Training - MAGTF Training Program - Service SponsoredMARFOR SponsoredJoint Sponsored Legend METL Training Guidance MARFOR Battle Skills Training (Home Station Training) Large Scale Exercise (LSE) MAGTF elements capable of planning and executing integrated MAGTF operations. Integrated Training Exercise (ITX) Units trained in those technical skills required to integrate with other elements of the MAGTF. Mountain Exercise (MTNEX) Units trained in those technical skills required for complex, cold weather environments. Unit LevelHorizontal Integration Vertical Integration COCOM Exercises Entry Level Training (ELT) MARFOR Battle Staff Training CLB Training Readiness Service level TEEP MAGTF Training Program Specialized Individual Training and Education OTI WTI ELI Individual / Specialized Skills Training Support Center (TSC) Training Plan Development Battle Staff Training Program (BSTP) Staffs trained to plan and execute integrated MAGTF operations. MARFOR Exercises
Battle Staff Training Program Tactics Instructor Certification Tactics Instructor Certification Battle Staff training exercise Command Post Exercise (CPX) Battle Staff training exercise Command Post Exercise (CPX) Staff Planning Staff Planning Staff Academics Staff Academics MAGTF Elements Centers of Excellence ( MSTP, MCTOG, MAWTS-1, MCLOG ) Initial COC collective training Initial COC collective training C2 systems operator training C2 systems operator training C2 / IM /COC Workshop C2 / IM /COC Workshop C2TECOE Individual Collective Figure 3. Battle Staff Training Program (BSTP) Individual and Unit Focus
OFFENSE / DEFENSE STABILITY OPS Battalion and Squadron Focus RSOI-6 Training Day 1 Integrated Training Exercise (ITX) Mid-to-high intensity combat Integrated combined arms live-fire and maneuver Mechanized/heliborne/motorized/dismounted operations Low-to-mid intensity combat MOOTW/COIN environment Non live-fire maneuver Role players/force-on-force Training Day 21 Battalion Company Training Day 29 Figure 4. Integrated Training Exercise (ITX)
Retrograde Large Scale Exercise (LSE) FSCEX I FiST/FS CC classes AAC Gap R1-6 Orientation Academic refresh COMM EX STAFF EX INFO FLOW EX Shaping Operations / FINEX Rehearsal Transition to field AAR MEB Combined Arms Collective Training Exercise Simulation ExercisePreparation Days Debrief / Reset MEB and MEF Headquarters Focus Figure 5. Large Scale Exercise (LSE)