By : Alisson Melvin Martinez
HOW IT ALL STARTED Video production started with joseph plateau and his invention, the phantascope/phenakistiscope in 1832.Which simulated motion
John Wesley Hayatt He invented the Cell,which panteted in 1870, and was trademarked in 1873 and it was later used for a film.
Edward Muybridge He successfully captured a horse in motion in 1869,by putting cameras along the hoses path, this proved that the horses feet were all above the ground during its travel.
Ettiene-Jules Marey In the 1800s he developed the Photographic Gun, this invention could take multiple photographs per second and also this is mostly were the term SHOOTING a FILM was gotten.
William Dickson In 1891 filmed the first ever motion film called the “Monkeyshines No.1”.this was the first ever motion film shot in the U.S using photographic film.
Thomas Edison And William Dickson In 1892 They both together created a device used to film movement. This device was called the Kinetograph and it use 35mm. film,this device put the standards for the theories used to build the cameras use modern day.
The Fist Production studio “The Back Maria”, this was the fist production studio ever built in the word, was built for filming films using the Kinetograph on the grounds of Thomas Edison in West Orange, New Jersey. Its construction was finished on Feb. 1,1993 and costed a range of around $
“Camercita” In 1894 the first female in U.S. Motion Pictures was featured in a film by William K. Dickson called Carmencita.
Cinema The Limeire brothers came up with the word “cinema” in 1895 as they presented their project the Cinegraphe which was a mixture of a camera and a projector.
“the Kiss” “The Kiss” was the first ever film in which a couple would kiss.
“The great Train Robbery” In 1903 Edwin S. Porter came up with a way to edit his film when he filmed ‘The Great Train Robbery”.
Time In 1906 “The Story Of Kelly Gang “ was the first feature length film, with running time of between minutes.
Segundo De Chomon In 1907 he developed the Camera Dolly, but it took another 7 years until the first tracking film was shot, in Italia.
Internationally 1909 The 35mm. Width with 4 perforation was accepted internationally.
1910’s D. Griffin is known as “the father of film”, since he experimented on cameras using a variety of techniques leading the path to the cameras we have now day.
Color In 1917 the fist ever two colored film was shot,”The Gulf Between”.
The singer 1927, “the jazz singer”, was the first musical that was ever filmed.
Mickey In 1928 the fist sound cartoon with characters was, Walt Disney’s “steamboat willie”, debuted Mickey Mouse.
Rewards 1929,the first academy award was presented.
Sound. Rouben Mamoulian Came up with a sound track technique in 1929, that revolutionized the world of film.
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