According to the passage, why were slaves needed on Southern plantations? (8.12.A) A. Southern colonists exported vast amounts of labor-intensive cash crops. B. The New England colonies did not need slave labor in their factories. C. Grain farmers in the Middle Colonies refused to use slave labor. D. Slavery was a long-standing tradition in England and was transferred to the Southern colonies.
Vocabulary Word:____CONFEDERATION__(of states)________________ My Definition: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Mnemonics: (How will I remember?) Category:___Political: Government, the New Nation______________________________ How Well Do I understand this word? ____________________________________ Picture Song Sentence Rhyme Synonym Other
Do we need any government? What would happen without an organized government of any kind?
What were the colonists most afraid of in forming a new government?
REPUBLIC – a government in which the people choose representatives to govern them
In 1776 the Continental Congress passed a plan for a national government THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION
All the states approved the Articles of Confederation in 1781 became the official government in 1783
The national government would be run by a Continental Congress
The national (Federal/Central) government could: wage war make peace sign treaties issue money Create an army
The Articles of Confederation left most of the power to the states
The Articles created a very weak national government that created many problems.
1) Lacked power to enforce laws-NO PRESIDENT
2) Lacked the power to levy (issue & collect) taxes= NO MONEY!
3) Could not regulate trade between the states
4) All 13 states had to vote yes to change the Articles
Other weaknesses included: no military (no protection) no national court system (no way to control people/no uniform consequences) no national control over trade with other countries (no way to sell products or buy needs= no $!)
A few Successful accomplishments……
Successes of the Confederation The Temptations of the West –Congress could have an independent income with the sale of land. Western land cessions, –Congress had decided to treat as equal states rather than colonies.
The Northwest Territory Land Ordinance of 1785 – A plan of surveys and sales. –Rectangular pattern on much of the nation. Northwest Ordinance of Provided a guideline to achieve statehood. –Excluded slavery from the Northwest. –Population of 60,000 –Freedom of religion –State Constitution –Trial by jury
The Articles of Confederation become a temporary solution… that didn’t work well!
1. Choose the answer choice that provides the best headings to this chart. Obj 4: TEKS 8.16B a. I–Successes II–Failures b. I–Failures II–Successes c. I–Financial Failures II–Diplomatic Successes d. I–Structural Successes II–Ideological Failures 2. The unalienable rights referred to in the Declaration of Independence are those rights that ____. Obj 4: TEKS 8.20A a. cannot be taken away b. are held by Congress c. are subject to judicial review d. apply only in specific situations
A Quick Glance at the Articles of Confederation Using the hand as a memory guide to the Articles of Confederation TRACE YOUR HAND ONTO the LEFT page in your notebook!
Your pinkie finger is your weakest finger. Color it pink to represent the “ Weak Central Government.”
Your ring finger has the gold ring on it. Color it gold for “No Money.”
The middle finger divides the hand in half. Use this one to remember the “boundary and border disputes” between the new states.
The pointer finger points out blame. Color it red to stand for the “States blaming each other.”
Color your thumb blue to show that the new nation had “No respect from other countries.”
Color the fist grey for “gunpowder”. The fist represents Shay’s Rebellion, the “challenge to the new government”. Shay’s Rebellion
The wrist is solid. Let it represent something that worked about the Articles of Confederation—the Northwest Ordinance. Draw a bracelet on with this label