February 25, 2014 WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE
February 25, 2014 NB Pencil Homework Glue/tape In your NB create a 3 paragraph summary explaining: 1. Why women sought equality/the right to vote. (Be sure to include how society viewed women.) 2. Leaders of the movement, and other reform movements that women were a part of. 3. Compare and contrast the Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Sentiments. MaterialsHomework
Do Now: Answer in your NB What does it mean to be a transcendentalist?
February 25, Examine the women’s suffrage movement (e.g., biographies, writings, and speeches of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Margaret Fuller, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony). SWBAT examine the women’s suffrage movement by completing stations activities. StandardObjective
Station 1: VTS Cut and paste in your NB. Answer the questions in your NB Use the questions on the handout to help you analyze this picture.
Station 2: Read & React 1. Cut out the handout and paste it in your NB on the left hand side. 2. Read the text and write how you feel about what you read to the right. Equal Rights for Women Women were a part of the abolitionist movement and were fighting to make slavery illegal. However, they were not able to control their own money or property. The Struggle Begins The organized movement began when Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton met in 1840 at the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London. They were outraged because they were not allowed to speak at the meeting and had to sit separately, behind a curtain. Unequal Treatment of Women Even if a woman was educated, it did not mean equality; Lucy Stone graduated from college and was asked to write a speech. She wrote a speech, but was not allowed to read it because women were not allowed to speak in public. She refused to pay taxes, stating that women could not vote, suffer taxation, yet had no representation. Elizabeth Blackwell wanted to be a doctor. She had the training, but was refused by 29 medical schools. One did accept her; she graduated at the top of her class and became the country’s fist female doctor. (Although, hospitals and doctor’s refused to work with her)
Station 3: Leaders of the Movement Go to Ms. Duran’s website U.S. History Top 10 Women Create a tree map in your NB: Choose 4 women who were suffragettes. Write 3 bullet points about each person Leaders of the Women’s Suffrage Movement
Station 4: Create a Venn Diagram in your NB. Write 5 bullet points about each declaration, and 3 things they have in common Declaration of IndependenceDeclaration of Sentiments
Homework In your NB create a 3 paragraph summary explaining: 1. Why women sought equality/the right to vote. (Be sure to include how society viewed women.) 2. Leaders of the movement, and other reform movements that women were a part of. 3. Compare and contrast the Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Sentiments.