The Wisdom of God Message 4 of 4 on KNOWING GOD Sunday, November 2, 2008 Speaker: Dr. Bill McRae
Daniel 2:20-23: “Wisdom and might are His” Ephesians 3:10: “the manifold wisdom of God” Romans 16:27: “the only wise God”
It is the perfection of God whereby He applies His knowledge to attain… by the best possible means for the best possible reasons the best possible goals
“The almighty does nothing without reason though the frail mind of man cannot always explain the reason.” Augustine “An infinitely wise God must work in a manner not to be improved upon by finite creatures.” A.W. Tozer
A. IN CREATION – Amazes us Gen. 1:1; Psalm 104:24
B. IN OUR SALVATION – Awes us The Reconciliation of His Justice - Mercy The Terms of our Salvation The Circumstances of our Salvation The Motivation to Service The Incarnation
C. IN THE PROVIDENCES OF LIFE – Astonishes us The Life of Joseph Genesis Ch. 37 The Extent of God’s Providence vs The Relationship to sinful deeds vs The Practical Values vs.31-35
By God’s Appointment In His Keeping Under His Training For His Time Andrew Murray
You are beautiful beyond description, Too marvellous for words. Too wonderful for comprehension, Like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom? Who can fathom the depth of Your love? You are beautiful beyond description, Majesty enthroned above.
I stand, I stand in awe of You. I stand, I stand in awe of You. Holy God to whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You. C.C.L.I
Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above, With wisdom, power and love; Our God is an awesome God,