Human Resource Management Lecture-37
Summary of Lecture-36
Transitions in Conflict Thought
Traditional View Human Relations View Interactionist View
Sources of Conflict
Types of Conflict
Negotiation Skills
Today’s Topics
Power & Political Behavior
Power What is it? Do you have any? Do you want some? How can you get some?
Concept of Power
Power - the ability to influence another person Influence - the process of affecting the thoughts, behavior, & feelings of another person Authority - the right to influence another person
Sources of Organizational Power
Coercive Exists when one person believes another person can and will provide or withhold punishment
Reward Exists when one person believes another person can and will provide or withhold rewards
Legitimate Exists when one person believes that another person has the right to influence him or her (authority)
Expert Exists when one person believes another person has desired expertise and is willing to share or withhold it
Positional Power Power flows down the organization through delegation
Personal Power
Information power Power that comes from access to and control over information Expert power Influence based on special skills or knowledge
The ability to influence others and maintain control over your own fate Interpersonal Power
Dependency: The Key To Power
Principles of Power
Power is perceived Power is relative Power bases must be coordinated Power is a double-edged sword (used and abused)
Organizational Power Management
Select charismatic individual Select & train for desired expertise Assign to position of authority Provide resources to manage Empower to punish others Empower to reward others
Personal Power Management
Be a nice person Acquire and make expertise known Acquire and make resources known
Use & make authority known Show ability to provide or with-hold rewards Show ability to provide or with-hold punishment
Using Power Ethically
Does the behavior produce a good outcome for people both inside and outside the organization? Does the behavior respect the rights of all parties? Does the behavior treat all parties equitably and fairly?
Two Faces of Power Personal Power – used for personal gain Social Power – used to create motivation – used to accomplish group goals
Unit of Analysis Influence Power Control
Power Tactics
Power tactics Ways in which individuals translates power bases into specific actions
Organizational Politics
Organizational politics refer to activities that people perform to acquire, enhance, and use power and other resources to obtain their preferred outcomes in a situation where there is uncertainty or disagreement.
The use of power in nonprescribed ways (means) and/or for nonprescribed purposes (ends) I’ll support your bill if you support mine
Political behavior Activities that are not required as part of one’s formal role in the organization, but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization
Political Behavior in Organizations
Organizational Politics - the use of power and influence in organizations Political Behavior - actions not officially sanctioned by an organization that are taken to influence others in order to meet one’s personal goals
Organizational Factors that Contribute to Political Behavior
Low trust Democratic decision making High performance pressures Scarcity of resources Role ambiguity Self-serving senior managers Unclear evaluation systems Zero-sum allocations
Influence Tactics
Consultation Rational persuasion Inspirational appeals Upward appeals Coalition tactics Exchange tactics Pressure Upward Influence the boss Downward Influence an employee Lateral Influence a coworker
Power Influence Political process Characteristics of political processes
The Dark Side of Organizational Politics
Organizational politics Deception Lying Intimidation
Ethical Guidelines for Political Behavior
Question 1 Is the action motivated by self-serving interests which exclude the goals of the organization? Question 2 Does the political action respect individual rights? Question 3 Is the political activity fair and equitable? Yes No Yes No Yes No Unethical Ethical
Employee Responses to Organizational Politics
Decreased job satisfaction Increased anxiety Increased turnover Reduced performance
Managing Political Behavior
Maintain open communication Clarify performance expectations Use participative management Encourage cooperation among work groups Manage scarce resources well Provide a supportive organizational climate
Enough for today...
Power & Political Behavior
Power - the ability to influence another person Influence - the process of affecting the thoughts, behavior, & feelings of another person Authority - the right to influence another person
Sources of Organizational Power
Organizational Power Management
Using Power Ethically
Power Tactics
Organizational Politics
Employee Rights & Discipline
Human Resource Management Lecture-37