Allah Ta’ala says: وَمَن يَبْخَلْ فَإِنَّمَا يَبْخَلُ عَن نَّفْسِهِ "He who is stingy is in fact stingy because of his nafs.” Rasulullah (saws) said: “The miser is far from Allah, far from Jannat, far from people and close to the Fire.”
SINFULNOT SINFUL Contrary to the order of the Shariah is Bukhl. A step higher is called Shuhha in terminology of Shariat, an ambitious and envious manner of the nafs. This is HARAAM Contrary to kindness (murrawwat). This degree of bukhl although not sinful is nor good. Elimination of even this degree of bukhl is commendable and meritorious
"Beware of greed (avarice) for indeed greed (avarice) destroyed those who came before you. It ordered them to cut off ties of relationship so they cut off ties of relationship, and it ordered them to be miserly so they were miserly, and it ordered them to commit sins so they committed sins. (Abu Dawud) Avarice (shuhha) and Imaan will not combine in the heart of a Believer. (Ahmad) Craving is of two types: Craving which is an affliction and craving which is beneficial. As for the craving which is beneficial, then it is one's desire for that which is obedience to Allah, and as for the craving which is an affliction then it is a person's craving after this world
Allah is poor and we are rich (Jews)….. Saving, saving, saving…. (Surah Humaza) Destroyed previous nations…… Allah dislikes the adulterer old, the stingy and the arrogant….. Out of the fold of Imaan……. The most evil (traits) in a man are: severe stinginess and uninhibited cowardice….
Generosity towards one's fellow beings invites the generosity of Allah towards oneself Avoid Excessive love of this Dunya Misers are not liked (Surah Layl) Reflect on his own possible future need One should emulate the best of characters (flock)
THE REMEDY Remembrance of maut (death) in abundance expels the love of wealth from the heart and eradicates BUKHL