Encourage creative thinking Generate enthusiasm Encourage participation Build on the ideas of others TO GENERATE IDEAS !! 2
Fail to prepare… …..then prepare to fail Roy Keane, Japan 2002 By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail Benjamin Franklin 3
A purpose A venue A group of people ! A facilitator Flipchart Refreshments, relaxation, encouragement, congratulations and gratitude 4
Define the problem or opportunity Be specific What are you trying to achieve ? – be clear E.g. new product ? New market ? Cost reduction ? Improve efficiency ? Problem solving ? 5
Suggest ideas that will work as solutions Suggest ideas that will stimulate solutions in others 6
1. Postpone and withhold your judgment of ideas 2. Encourage wild and exaggerated ideas 3. Quantity counts at this stage, not quality 4. Build on the ideas put forward by others 5. Every person and every idea has equal worth 7
Set a time limit State the question - define the problem or opportunity, identify the objective Record and display ideas Clarify the meaning Discuss each item on its merits Eliminate duplications / combine similar items 8
Generating features for new cars Generating new features and gadgets for the kitchen Generating a new reality TV show 9
Thank you ! 10