Methods for Dealing With Inappropriate Behaviors of Toddlers 5.03
Guiding Toddlers’ Behavior Set a good example Set limits Meet toddlers’ needs instead of punishing Show love for toddler Give the toddler respect Be consistent
Punishment Decide whether misbehavior is intentional or unintentional. Use punishment to remind children that appropriate behavior is important and to teach them the consequences of poor decisions. First offense = warning Keep punishment reasonable for age
Natural Consequences Avoid lecturing the child Avoid replacing item ruined by behavior Avoid taking care of the situation for a child
Logical Consequences Connect consequences to misbehavior Be prepared to follow through with consequences Loss of privilege Time-out Number of minutes = age Ex. - 3 years old = 3 minutes of time out
Less Effective Responses Avoid using these!! Bribery Making child promise to behave Shouting and yelling Shaming and belittling Threatening to withhold love Be consistent
Specific Inappropriate Behaviors Contrariness Use pretend games Temper Tantrums Put expectations in positive statements Hitting Guide child toward choices
Authoritarian Parent Strict, expects students to obey without question Responds quickly and firmly to rules that are broken
Democratic Parent Gets input from child for rules and limits Children have freedom of choice
Permissive Parent Gives child lots of freedom Lets child set own rules Teaches child to think for himself/herself