Chuuk State Jurisdiction Report 2005 By Dr. Yoster Yichiro Dr. Dorina Fred Mrs. Eleanor Sos
Epidemiology of HIV /AIDS Current numbers of HIV/AIDS patients under care:5 Current numbers of HIV/AIDS patients under care:5 Adult males3 Adult males3 Adult females2 Adult females2 Children0 Children0
Cumulative numbers of CDC confirmed HIV cases: Total confirmed cases18 Total confirmed cases18 Adult males12 Adult Females05 Children01
Mode of Transmission: Heterosexual10 Heterosexual10 Male to Male07 Male to Male07 Mother to infant01 Mother to infant01 Drug related00 Drug related00 Other00 Other00
HIV/AIDS Program: The total five patients: ( 3 AIDS: 2 HIV +) The total five patients: ( 3 AIDS: 2 HIV +) Prevention & care (Public awareness/ care. Prevention & care (Public awareness/ care. CAETP Trainings: (Level I & Level II) CAETP Trainings: (Level I & Level II) PRHP (Pacific Regional HIV/AIDS Project). PRHP (Pacific Regional HIV/AIDS Project). Training of Trainers. (NGO, CBO, i.e. CWAC, youth groups, Men’s groups etc..) To establish support groups for the families and PLWHA.
Prospective. Strengthened patient care in terms of EIS (Early intervention services.,) “the OIS” and quality of life in hospital and clinical setting. Strengthened patient care in terms of EIS (Early intervention services.,) “the OIS” and quality of life in hospital and clinical setting. Expanding the program into the community via PRHP (community oriented setting, working with the NGO’s CBOs i.e. “Training of trainers” Expanding the program into the community via PRHP (community oriented setting, working with the NGO’s CBOs i.e. “Training of trainers” Establish support groups for PLWHA and families. (i.e.. Women’s group, Men’s group, youth groups, and church groups). Establish support groups for PLWHA and families. (i.e.. Women’s group, Men’s group, youth groups, and church groups).
Prospective con’t…. Level II training for the Doctors in CSH and the private clinics. Level II training for the Doctors in CSH and the private clinics. Extend training for the field Health assistants. Extend training for the field Health assistants. Level III, IV training for Kosrae and Pohnpei health providers. Level III, IV training for Kosrae and Pohnpei health providers. Level II training for Majuro health providers. Level II training for Majuro health providers. Level I training for Ebye & Yap state Health providers. Level I training for Ebye & Yap state Health providers.