Search and Rescue Coordinator SAR-C 101 State Search and Rescue Coordinators Council 2012 All Rights Reserved SAR-C 101 State Search and Rescue Coordinators Council 2012 All Rights Reserved
Introduction This presentation has been developed by the State Search and Rescue Coordinators Council to assist those persons in the position of Search and Rescue Coordinator It is general in nature and is not meant to cover every aspect of the position, as each jurisdiction establishes the requirements and guidance for this position within their jurisdiction It is the responsibility of the Search and Rescue Coordinator to fully understand the requirements and laws under which their position performs
Goal To provide the Search and Rescue Coordinator a historical perspective of the position so as to understand the nature of work provided by the position To understand the position as it relates to the Federal, State, County, and local jurisdiction roles in search and rescue To provide a recommended course of education and experience sufficient to provide foundation for operating as a Search and Rescue Coordinator
Objective At the conclusion of this training, the student will: Understand the general role and responsibility of the Search and Rescue Coordinator Be familiar with the foundational Federal, State, and Local plans regarding search and rescue in the context of their position Be familiar with the recommendations as put forth by the State Search and Rescue Coordinators Council (SSARCC) for training and experience sufficient for the position of Search and Rescue Coordinator
Definitions Search and Rescue Coordinator (SARC) The position within an agency or organization tasked with the development, maintenance, and management of a search and rescue program State Search and Rescue Coordinator (SSARC) That position held within state government and under law, that is responsible for the management of the state search and rescue response capability
What is the Role of the SARC ? The SARC may: Coordinate the delivery of SAR resources to a jurisdiction Coordinate training in Search and Rescue Develop and maintain a certification process for search and rescue resources. Instruct Search and rescue related courses Provide technical expertise regarding SAR issues Be a point of contact for Federal assistance
What is the Role of the SARC ? The SARC may: maintain statistical data on search and rescue relative to their agency or jurisdiction promote search and rescue issues within their jurisdiction Disseminate information relevant to all SAR resources within their jurisdiction
Search and Rescue Coordinator SAR-C 101 Laws, Guidance, and Best Practices related to SAR and the SARC SAR-C 101 Laws, Guidance, and Best Practices related to SAR and the SARC
What Law Governs the SARC Federal Search and Rescue on Federal Land may come under the control of a specific Federal Agency NPS, BLM, NFS, FBI Concurrent vs Exclusive Jurisdiction Concurrent - Shared Jurisdiction w/ Local, State Exclusive - Under control of one agency
What Law Governs the SARC State Every State has within Statute, guidance pertaining to search and rescue activities related to the state. NRS Coordinator of Search and Rescue: Appointment. The Chief, with the advice of the Board, shall appoint an employee of the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety as Coordinator of Search and Rescue. (Added to NRS by 1983, 1353; A 1993, 1615; 1999, 1249; 2001, 2608)1999, , 2608
What Law Governs the SARC State / County / Local Jurisdiction Law Every State has within Statute, guidance pertaining to search and rescue activities related to the County Jurisdiction or political subdivision. NRS Searches and rescues. The sheriff is responsible for searches and rescues within his or her county. (Added to NRS by 1983, 1354)
Guidance International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual (IAMSAR Manual) National Search and Rescue Plan (NSP) National Search Supplement (NSS) Land Search and Rescue Addendum (LSARA) NPS Search and Rescue Program National Association for Search and Rescue Mountain Rescue Association others...
Best Practices National SAR incidents and outcomes Litigation within the SAR Community NASAR, MRA, NPS, procedures Implementation of the After Action Report (AAR) and Improvement Plan (IP) process Accreditation and Review of Certifications Other?
Search and Rescue Coordinator SAR-C 101 Funding for SAR Programs SAR-C 101 Funding for SAR Programs
Funding Federal Funding Limited sources, HSGP funding for the development of “Core Capability” of Mass Search and Rescue State General Funds as provided for in Statute Programmed funds as part of a fee such as permits or licenses Local Funds generated or provided for through local government Private Grants and donations
Funding Budget, Base Budget and Program Budget SARC should be aware of budget process Budget insures funds are properly used within program categories Budgeting aids with program validation Reporting requirements for fund expenditures
Search and Rescue Coordinator SAR-C 101 Resources for Search and Rescue SAR-C 101 Resources for Search and Rescue
Under NIMS, all resources should be “typed” as to the kind of resource they are and to the extent of their capability Understanding typing aids with resource identification, ordering, and assignment Most jurisdiction Emergency Management Programs have a list of existing typed resources and their contact information. The type of resources used in search and rescue should be well known to the SARC.
Location of Resources for Search and Rescue Search and Rescue Organizations within Law Enforcement, Fire/Rescue/ Non-profit SAR groups Outdoor organizations such as NOLS, other “experiential-based” groups Agencies who maintain wilderness programs and/or who manage wilderness areas. Dog groups Technical climbing clubs
Developing a Search and Rescue Program Identify legal requirement Conduct Assessment for “gaps” in coverage Determine resource requirements Determine if funding exists to support capabilities Review successful programs
Developing a Search and Rescue Program Alignment with Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) Set Budget Set meeting schedule/training What about Certifications? What about Credentialling” How do I maintain enthusiasm?
Developing a Search and Rescue Program How will the program support: Land SAR Water SAR Air SAR Urban SAR Disaster / Catastrophic SAR
Agreements Are you supported by agencies or entities Established MOA’s or MOU’s Establishing MOA’s, MOU’s Training between organizations SAR Missions between organization Cost sharing issues
Mentorship Is there a Mentorship program for SARC Within the State Regionally Through SSARCC Task Book?
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