North Carolina Emergency Management Fall Conference AHIMT Overview and Ocracoke Deployment Alex Auten, NCEM Justin Gibbs, Hyde County EM Bill Rich, County Manager, Hyde County
North Carolina Emergency Management Administration and Oversight of the Program
North Carolina Emergency Management AHIMT Work Group Membership
North Carolina Emergency Management Components of the Qualification System The Qualifications Committee is authorized to determine if the applicant meets the requirements for the NC AHIMT positions and the ability to respond as part of a NC AHIMT the credentialing is given by the Qualifications Committee Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Provides guidance on the development, resourcing, credentialing, and sustainment of the Type 3 IMTs
North Carolina Emergency Management Administration and Oversight of Teams Eastern Branch, Central Branch and Western Branch Managers will be the Agency Administrators AHIMT Technical Advisory Group (TAG) has been established to standardize the Teams
North Carolina Emergency Management Credentialing Full Credential – The credential issued to an individual that has completed all required training, demonstrated proficiency as documented in the position task book, and been recommended by their agency head or Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Provisional Credential – A credential issued to an individual that has completed all required training with the exception O-305 for Type III AHIMT, demonstrated proficiency as documented in the position task book, and been recommended by their agency head or Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). No Credential – More experience or prerequisites needed
North Carolina Emergency Management Credentialing, cont. Full Credentialing Credentials will be maintained on a 5 year cycle from date of issue. Requalification guidance is currently being reviewed by AHIMT TAG and Qualifications Committee Credentialing – Task Book can be requested through Branch Manager.
North Carolina Emergency Management AHIMT Type 3 Team (8 Pax) Incident Commander - Type 3 (ICT3-A) All-Hazard Operations Section Chief - Type 3 (OSC3-A) All-Hazard Plans Section Chief - Type 3 (PSC3-A) All-Hazard Logistics Section Chief - Type 3 (LSC3-A) All-Hazard Finance/Administration Section Chief - Type 3 (FSC3-A) All-Hazard Safety Officer - Type 3 (SOF3-A) All Hazard Public Information Officer - Type 3 (PIO3-A) All Hazard Liaison Officer - Type 3 (LOF3-A) All Hazard Unit Leader Positions are to be provided by the requesting jurisdiction
North Carolina Emergency Management Progress – NCEM Joint Mobile Operations Center
North Carolina Emergency Management Progress – NCEM AHIMT Branch Trailers
North Carolina Emergency Management Progress – NCEM AHIMT Western Shelters
North Carolina Emergency Management The Way Forward (Cont.) Identify and attend discipline specific conferences and meetings to promote All Hazard Incident Management Teams.
North Carolina Emergency Management The Way Forward (Cont.) Position Task Books (PTB) will be used for all Command & General Staff and Unit Leader Positions, the term "current" will be used in all guides to allow transition to the national PTBs when they are approved
North Carolina Emergency Management The Way Forward (Cont.) Initiating Authority (IA) for PTBs will be the NCEM Branch Managers for Unit Leader Positions State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) will work with the Branch Managers on Communication Unit Leader PTB) Qualification Board will be the IA for Command & General Staff PTBs
North Carolina Emergency Management The Way Forward (Cont.) Additional O-305 (AHIMT) & Unit Leader Courses will be scheduled to meet the needs of the AHIMT in North Carolina. Develop Position Qualification data base in TERMS & Salamander ID system. AHIMT TAG will continue to work on Team Policies/Procedures/Equipment
North Carolina Emergency Management Application Pitfalls Have your supervisor sign the application Transcript or certificates for training Signed IAPs with you functioning in the position applied for on the 203 Experience log
North Carolina Emergency Management AHIMT Recent Deployments Western, Eastern, and Central SAR Exercise. NC HART multi-platform training Butner, NC Hurricane Arthur, Ocracoke Island
North Carolina Emergency Management AHIMT Deployments – Hurricane Arthur AHIMT Duties: Incident Action Plan Emergency Operations Center assistance Establishing communications Viper / Phone / Internet
North Carolina Emergency Management Other AHIMT Utilization Planned Events Exercises Training Line of Duty Death Services/Funerals EOC Overhead Teams
North Carolina Emergency Management Final Thoughts AHIMT Process – Still a work in progress Good pool of Qualified Individuals to pull from as needed Team Formalization – Well under way Challenge - Maintaining interest and keeping current between deployments