Don Buhler and Bob Ader August 2013
▪Established leadership, direction and a clear coordination role with Federal land agencies to support individual agency efforts in developing rights and interests datasets conformant with the national standards. Significant progress has been achieved in establishing a federal surface management agency (SMA) data set that is built from parcel level information in agency data sets.
Worked with FGDC Cooperative Agreements Program award recipients and States and local agencies in the deployment and sustained delivery of standardized data. Presentations were made to Appalachian Development Council, International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO), and many state based GIS, assessment, and homeland security meetings. Several papers were published in a variety of national and state journals.
This is also the topic for the Wednesday Keynote at the IAAO Annual Meeting in August in Grand Rapids
SMA Objective The Surface Management Agency (SMA) dataset will depict Federal lands for the entire United States and classify this land by its active Federal surface managing agency
SMA Definition A Federal surface land management agency refers to a Federal agency with administrative jurisdiction over the surface of Federal lands Jurisdiction over the land is defined when the land is either: –Withdrawn by some administrative or legislative action –Acquired or Exchanged by a Federal agency
Withdrawals Four major categories of formal land withdrawals Administrative (i.e. Indian Reservations) Presidential Proclamation (i.e. National Monuments) Congressional (i.e. Wilderness Areas, National Parks) Federal Power Act (FPA) or Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Must accomplish one or more of the following: Transfer total or partial jurisdiction over Federal land between Federal agencies Close Federal land to operation of all or some of the public land laws and/or mineral laws Dedicate Federal land to a specific public purpose
Relationship to Land Status Land Status refers to all the actions affecting the disposition of Federal lands –Withdrawals (Jurisdictional, Segregations) –Authorized Uses (Leases, Permits, ROWs) The SMA dataset only depicts the surface boundaries of each Federal agency’s surface administrative jurisdiction and does not depict all federal land status details
BLM SMA BLM has jurisdiction over a particular category of Federal land known as “public land.” –Any land or interest in land owned by the United States of America and administered by the Secretary of the Interior through the BLM Public lands include public domain lands (lands which have never left Federal ownership) and acquired lands Public lands (NLCS units), public domain lands, and BLM-acquired lands make up the BLM’s official surface administrative boundary
SMA Development Working concurrently on two approaches Leverage existing state-maintained SMA data –Achieve data standardization using Python scripts –State data will be replicated to a National dataset Building SMA from the land records themselves –Land Catalog tool being deployed to the states to assist in record clean-up –Python scripts build features from CADNSDI and legal land descriptions
Upcoming SMA Presentations State Data Administrators Data Stewards and Subject Matter Experts FGDC Boundaries Working Group Publish SMA Use in Sage Grouse effort US Forest Service LWCF viewer Integrate into Land Catalog for Data Cleanup Generate State Monthly Acreage Reports for Public Land Statistics Validation Create the replication environment and maintenance workflows at the States Out reach to Federal Agency SMA Contacts Integrate new SMA into 100K Mapping
For Use in Land Orders, Executive Orders, Proclamations, Federal Register Documents, and Land Description Data Bases Proper format, terms and phrases, and intent with qualification to assure the content of the land description is free of ambiguity. Federal Register Review
ACCOMPLISHMENTS ▪The Federal Parcel Working Group developed a draft core data publication standard for Federal parcel data. ▪The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Working Group completed the definition of Version 2 of the PLSS publication standard and is in the process of migrating PLSS data sets to this standard.
▪Working with other federal agencies complete an initial data set for the federal surface management agency (SMA) data set that is built from parcel level information in agency data sets.
Coordinating with states and regional organizations continue to promote the development and access to standardized parcel data that is based on authoritative data sources and can be easily accessed by data users. This includes the continued support for the national inventory of the status of parcel data development and access and the national inventory on state programs.
The Federal Parcel Working Group developed a draft core data publication standard for Federal parcel data Specifications for Descriptions of Land GeoCloud – Public Land Survey System