NSW Chapter Council of Australasian Tribunals 5th Annual Conference Dealing with difficulties in the absence of legal representation : The organisational response Kay Ransome, Chairperson Consumer, Trader & Tenancy Tribunal
► High volume jurisdiction – 65, 000 applications a year. ► General legislative prohibition on legal representation. ► Any representation is by leave and in matters under $10, 000 representation can only be granted in “exceptional circumstances”. ► Vast majority of parties in the Tribunal appear in person. ► Legal representation generally confined to complex, high value disputes.
Consumer, Trader & Tenancy Tribunal ►Managing the workload and the expectations of the 130,000 people appearing before the Tribunal. ►The process itself has to be “accessible”. ►People have to be informed enough to participate properly in the process.
Ipsos market research ►Awareness and understanding of the Tribunal’s role and function poor with first time users. ►For respondents - first time they had heard of the CTTT was when they received a notice of hearing. ►Information not read or comprehension low. ►Many first time clients had no idea they would be asked to participate in conciliation or what to expect at the hearing. ►More specific information – case studies, video footage.
The Recommendations ►Segment and structure information tools around each stage. ►Provide greater information and support to clients around the conciliation process. ►Review application forms. ►Further develop website as a resource for clients and industry bodies.
The Recommendations (cont’d) ►Develop of range of ‘good practice’ case studies to assist clients. ►Promote broader community awareness and understanding of the CTTT. ►Ensure greater consistency in client service/information provision. ►Develop user friendly guides to the CTTT & processes.
Other issues ►Articulation of practice and procedure. ►Principles embodies in information tools must be applied. ►Training and professional development of members.
Outcomes ►Professional development framework and program for next 3 years. ►Website ►Fact sheets ►Ten Top Tips
Consumer, Trader & Tenancy Tribunal