MIP - Politecnico di MilanoCopyright prof. M. Garetti 1 AIM 2004 Conference Education for IM MSc engineer in the 21th century Item: Learning Methodologies Results of workgroups activity Warsaw AIM 2004 Conference Education for IM MSc engineer in the 21th century Item: Learning Methodologies Results of workgroups activity Warsaw – 04/09/2004
MIP - Politecnico di MilanoCopyright prof. M. Garetti 2 Starting point of Framework 1: Teaching Quality Background Experimental Learning Lecture Business Games Case studies Size Composition Pro-activity TEACHING METHODOLOGY TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT Multimedia Games e-Learning Collaboration technologies TEACHER Teaching Style Emotional Involvement Leadership CLASSROOM TEACHING QUALITY
MIP - Politecnico di MilanoCopyright prof. M. Garetti 3 Update n.1 to Framework 1: Teaching Quality -The class “Teaching Methodology” may be called “Learning Modes”, being made of Lectures Self study Learning by doing Role playing Industrial practice Field studies Experimental learning Business games Learning by students and grupos themselves (“learners as teachers”) The class “Classroom” may be called “Physical Environment”, being made of Classroom size Classroom equipment (e.g. teamwork equipment) The class “Technology Support” may be called “Learning Facilitators”, being made of Computer games Multimedia (graphics, sound, video,..) Simulation games E-learning (suitable for “deterministic” content, difficult for management topics)
MIP - Politecnico di MilanoCopyright prof. M. Garetti 4 Update n.2 to Framework 1: Teaching Quality -The class “Teacher” may be called “Learning Relationships”, being made of Teacher level of knowledge Teacher experience Teacher emotional involvement Teaching “style” Coaching and tutoring A class “Students” should be added, being made of Context (BSc, MSc) Willingness to learn (motivation..) Backgroud Basic knowledge Attitude Intelligence & mental quality A class “Curricula” should be added, being made of Teaching content A class “Evaluation and feddback” should added, being made of Evaluation of learning quantity Evaluation of learning quality Evaluation of teaching quality
MIP - Politecnico di MilanoCopyright prof. M. Garetti 5 Starting point of Framework 2: Teaching changes CONTINUOUS LEARNING Training GLOBALISATION Longlife Education COMMUNICATION English Language More Graphics and visual aids COLLABORATION Sharing of Knowledge objects Multi -university courses Students from different Countries Mixture of cultures CHANGES in TEACHING
MIP - Politecnico di MilanoCopyright prof. M. Garetti 6 Update n.1 to Framework 2: Teaching changes -The class “Globalization” may be made of: Students from different Countries Mixture of cultures New requirements due to globalization Standardization requirements The class “Continuous Learning” may be made of: Lifelong education Training Students from different Countries Mixture of cultures New requirements due to globalization Standardization requirements The class “Communication” may be made of: Use of English language Access to databases (references in different languages) New communication tools Communication behaviour
MIP - Politecnico di MilanoCopyright prof. M. Garetti 7 Update n.2 to Framework 2: Teaching changes -The class “Collaboration” may be made of: Sharing of knowledge objects Multi-University degrees/courses University-industry collaboration in teaching Teaching factory A class “Economy/Social life” should be added, being made of R&D policy R&D budget Industrial policy Demography