Adil Khan Kyungpook National university Korea-Japan Joint ScECAL Group Meeting kobe University Japan 3 rd September 2010
Introduction Prototype Beam Test Layout Beam Test Preliminary Results of BT 2008 Preliminary Results of BT 2009 Plan
Scintillator_ Based Ecal ScECAL The 2 nd ScECAL ProtoType The 2 nd prototype is 4 times larger than the DESY BT module. (18 x 18 cm, 30 layers) Fully adopt with extruded scintillator. Precise positioning of MPPC and Fiber Monitoring system MPPC : 2160 readout channel. Extensive test beam campaign FNAL: 2008, 2009 Wide variety of beam energies and particle species 1 GeV to 60 GeV muons, e ±, π ± ScECAL, AHCAL, TCMT Technologies
Using Gaussian Function. Fitting Function : gauss->µ ped ± 3σ ped Collect the Pedestal mean and Sigma Values of all the Run numbers use the pedestal data for the MIP Calibration constant
Total 120 Run Number were checked. Pedestal sigma and mean Values from the fitting shows The stability of pedestal Distribution.
Muon Event Recorded in Online Monitor Strip =j Layer x !=i Event selection Example: For X-Layer i, Strip j →Check a hit of the strip j on other X-layers excepting i.(total 14 layers) MIP event Hit Definition: ADC >ADC ped + 3σ ped Fitting MIP Distribution Gaussian convoluted landau distribution function
Chi2/NDF Result from Fitting Fitting all the channels Using Gaussian Convoluted-Landau Function The fitting for the entire channel work well Even the bad channels.
MIP Response Mapping The average of ADC Counts/MIP ~160 and RMS is ~31 The fluctuation is about 20%, which is coming from variation of the Light yield.
Splitted into 4 parts, in order to make the Temp distribution for linear Fit hCALM3Temp(C) ScECALTemp(C)
10 Total 16 MIP runs were used to get the temperature correction factor. The variation of temperature difference between MIP runs is about ~ C This shows temperature Effect seems to be very small or almost negligible Correlated Temperature=P 0 * hCALM3 + P 1 MipConst and Temperature Obtained Run by Run.
11 Temp(C) Mip Const Used Linear fitting in Order to get the Temperature Correction Factor. MipConst and corr-Temperature Obtained Run by Run for every strip. Temperature correlation depends on channel by channel
12 3GeV 16GeV 12GeV 25GeV32GeV 6GeV Without Temp Correction With Temp Correction With 2009 Temp data Correction After using Temperature Correction Factor, the result is almost same, No significant difference. But 2009 data temperature correction factor shows some change. The wide shift in temperature is due to the damage in air conditioning system during 2009 data taking.
13 Energy Deposit in ScECAL (MIPS) # of counts 1/sqrt(E) Sig/E In terms of using Temperature Correction factor seems not remove the large the large constant term for 2008 data 3 GeV 6GeV 12GeV 16GeV 25GeV32GeV Without Temp Correction With Temp Correction With 2009 Temp data Correction
14 The Deviation from Linear behavior of the energy spectrum is less than 5% As, the temperature correction doesn’t show any big difference
First look into 2009 data Mip constant Correlation Checked in similar way the 2009 data Mip constant correlation between 2009 data Runs at low temperature and high Temperature Runs with 2008 data.
Plan & Schedule Short Term Analysis (1~2 weeks) Proceed with the 2009 data for the Resolution, Linearity.. Detail Analysis (~2 months) Optimize all types of selection cut (Mip, electron) Temperature Correction for 2009 data Saturation Correction Geant4 Simulation for beam test Evaluation of Systematic Uncertainty (1~2Months)
19 Fitting all the channels Using Gaussian Convoluted-Landau Function MuonRun 32GeV, Layer data Mip Distribution of High Temp Runs Mip Distribution of Low Temp Runs
20 Chi2/NDF Result from Fitting Chi2/ndf of High Temp Runs Chi2/ndf of Low Temp Runs
MIP Calibration Constant DataEntriesMeanRMS Low Temp Runs High Temp Runs Mip Const
Euquation Used for Temp Effect : Esum += (slope*Nominal Temp+offset) /(Slope * HM3Temp + offset)*En T nominal = 25 0 C