The Comprehensive Reading Inventory By Chanda Addington
Robert B. Cooter Jr., E. Sutton Flynt, and Kathleen Spencer Cooter Published by Pearson Education, Inc. in 2007 It is used for measuring reading development in regular and special education classrooms. Can be used for students in kindergarten through the twelfth grade.
Areas of Assessment Five essential elements of reading: Phonemic awareness Phonics Reading comprehension Reading fluency Vocabulary development
Emily 1st grade student Moved into the community between Thanksgiving and the first of the year Lives with mother, father, and sister
Interest Inventory She had a hard time answering the questions Sometimes the answer corresponded to the question but sometimes it did not Question #5: “Do you ever read at home?” Emily replied, “No, I don’t know how to read.” Question #15: “What makes a person a good reader?” Emily responded, “They read us books.”
Reading Attitude Survey Happy To find a book-She anticipated her library time Reading a new book-She was so excited, she wanted to read it every chance she had and to anybody who would listen. Sad Reading books or magazines at home-She said she doesn’t have magazines at home. Complete workbook pages at school-She was unable to keep up with the class, she would refer to her neighbors
Initial Consonant Sounds Test (ICST): An Oddity Task This assessment measures if a child has developed awareness in beginning sounds of spoken words She scored a five out of a possible ten Developing level Soap Six Dog Car Man Mop Duck Dog Five Pig Pack Fan Fish Fan Leaf Nest Nut Wheel Cat Cake Nine Sun Tree Tie Clock Bee Bat Sock Feet Fish
Phonemic Segmentation Test (PST) The purpose of this test is to determine the child’s ability to isolate individual sounds in spoken words. Rubber Band Technique Scored 3/15 Emergent level Initial Sounds live /l/ /p/ first response /v/ second Middle Sounds did /i/ /n/ Ending Sound call /l/ /k/
Blending Sounds Test (BST) This assessment indicates a slightly higher phonemic awareness than for example, rhyming sounds. She scored 30/30 Proficient level Segmented Words Blended Word Correct Response? Y/N M—ain Main Y R—ate Rate
Letter Naming Test (LNT) Assesses the child for identification of upper and lower case letters. Scored a 23/26 Developing level A b C d E f g
Sentences for Initial Passage Selection Ceiling for this assessment is two errors. She read four out of twelve words correctly. FORM A: LEVEL 1 He wanted to fly. The family got together. The boy was jumping.
Pre-Primer Wordless Story She described or labeled three of the four pictures. Stage one: “Early Connections to Reading.” She displayed a limited sense of story.
Phonics Quick Test (PQT) She could not match letter-sound correspondences. The Word Response mip mrump caw crown pight treat
Results In analyzing the results I would place her in the beginning emergent stage. Phonemic Awareness Tests: ICST Developing level PST Emergent level BST Proficient level LNT Developing level PQT Emergent level
Recommended Instruction According to Multiple Paths to Literacy by J. Gipe, she is in the pre-phonemic stage (186). She “needs to learn to represent sounds.” encourage invented spellings dialog journaling Language Experience Approach (LEA) rhyming books or/and predictable books A quote from Multiple Paths to Literacy states, “Children who have had few experiences with language will need explicit instruction in all aspects of literacy development (145).”
Recommended Instruction In Words Their Way by D. Bear, M. Invernizzi, S. Templeton and F. Johnston, Mackenzie is considered to be in the middle emergent stage because she does not have phonemic awareness or letter sound correspondence. This book recommends that she sees and practices writing. sentence strips with familiar jingles or rhymes sorting objects, pictures and words by beginning sounds
Works Cited Bear, Donald R., Marcia Invernizzi, Shane Templeton, and Francine Johnston. Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. Print. Gipe, Joan P. Multiple Paths to Literacy Assessment and Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners, K-12. 7th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2010. Print.