1 Global Land Cover 2000 - Workshop JRC - Ispra, 28-29 March 2001 VEGA 2000 : VEGETATION data for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Initiative H. Jeanjean,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Global Land Cover Workshop JRC - Ispra, March 2001 VEGA 2000 : VEGETATION data for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Initiative H. Jeanjean, CNES

2 Global Land Cover Workshop JRC - Ispra, March 2001 Broad context of VEGA 2000 and relationships between initiatives Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) Global Land Cover (GLC 2000) VEGA 2000 International initiative (WRI, FAO, WCMC, UNEP…) JRC initiative Human development relies on ecosystem goods (food, timber, genetic resources…) and services (water purification, biodiversity conservation, flood control…) Capacity of ecosystems to produce goods and services threatened by human-induced changes (CO² concentration, global mean T°, changes of land cover…) International awareness: implementation of conventions such as FCCC, CCD, CB GMES VGT Programme initiative

3 Global Land Cover Workshop JRC - Ispra, March 2001 Closely linked objectives and activities  VEGA 2000 : Contribution of the VEGETATION programme to the MA and to the GLC 2000 offering the scientific community the opportunity to make use of VGT data through a free access to global VEGETATION daily composites (S1)  Global Land Cover 2000 : contribution to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) initiative and to the international conventions production of a VEGETATION-derived global land cover map for year 2000  Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) : serving the needs of international conventions assessment of the ecosystem extent, trends, pressures, conditions and values development of scenarios on ecosystem change and trade-off between goods and services proposition of response options

4 Global Land Cover Workshop JRC - Ispra, March 2001 The VEGA 2000 dataset  Dataset description : Standard daily global data at full resolution (1 Km) for the period November 1st, December 31st, 2000 Projection : only in “plate carrée” (lat / long) Data are delivered either as global dataset or as pre-defined regional windows, either for the entire period of by months

5 Global Land Cover Workshop JRC - Ispra, March 2001 The procedure for implementing VEGA 2000  Accessibility of the dataset Data are provided on CD-ROM Data have been purchased by the partners of the VEGETATION programme and are charged only the cost for media and expedition to the scientific community  Announcement of opportunity was opened from June to September, 2000 possibility for a second opportunity in 2001 ? exclusively open for scientific teams and equivalent non-profit organisations that should be in compliance with a number of criteria (objectives of the project, global perspective, peer-reviewed project, …)  Data use agreement the scientific teams must accept the conditions by signing the agreement on the terms and conditions to use VEGETATION data within the VEGA 2000 initiative.

6 Global Land Cover Workshop JRC - Ispra, March 2001 Status of VEGA 2000  27 proposals from 15 European teams, 6 African and Middle East, 3 American, 2 Canadian and 1 Chinese  20 proposals selected by the evaluation Committee  12 confirmed  5 in progress  3 no news More than CD ROM to be delivered !

7 Global Land Cover Workshop JRC - Ispra, March 2001ConclusionsConclusions  Expected outcomes of VEGA 2000 : Production of global maps, i.e. land cover and burnt area maps, with specific reference to the implementation and control of the international conventions (UNFCCC, CCD, CB) Other research results, e.g. on a comparison procedure between VEGETATION data and historical AVHRR data (IGBP map 1993) Publications in appropriate journals Strengthened partnership between international programmes and fora such as IGBP, GOFC, LUCC…for the use of VEGETATION data  Another initiative that can be helpful for GLC 2000 : ISIS SPOT data at low cost : 100 EUR/scene (500 EUR/programming request) for European scientific research and GMES demonstration activities See at (modalities, licence agreement, request forms…)