What is Hazard Mitigation? Any action taken to reduce future disaster losses
Hazard Mitigation Examples n Acquisition of homes n Elevation of utilities n Building codes n Public education
Why develop a Mitigation Plan? n Reduce risk of future disaster losses n An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure n Eligibility for FEMA mitigation funding Mitigation success stories and case studies at
Long Beach, Mississippi, Oct 30, 2005 A lone, mitigated home stands alone after Hurricane Katrina
Sweet Lake, Louisiana, Sept 24, 2005 Elevated homes near Lake Charles survive Hurricane Rita
Pass Christian, Mississippi, February 6, 2006 Rebuilt just 10 months prior to Hurricane Katrina using best mitigation practices, this house sustained little damage from the storm.
n Independent study of FEMA grants n $1 in mitigation -> $4 saved n 220 lives and 4700 injuries over 50 yrs Report available at “HazardMitigation Saves” Saves”
FEMA Mitigation Funding n HMGP (Hazard Mitigation Grant Program) n PDM (Pre-Disaster Mitigation) n FMA (Flood Mitigation Assistance) n SRL (Severe Repetitive Loss) n RFC (Repetitive Flood Claims) For more on FEMA grant programs, see
“All I’m saying is now is the time to develop the technology to deflect the asteroid”
5 Steps for developing a Hazard Mitigation Plan n Establish planning process n Assess risks n Develop mitigation strategy n Maintain plan n Adopt plan
Step 1: Establish Planning Process Establish Planning Process Set up planning team Coordinate with resource agencies and stakeholders Review and incorporate existing materials Provide opportunities for public involvement
Step 2: Assess Risks n Identify hazards n Assess risk of hazards n Inventory community assets n Determine vulnerability of assets to the hazards HazardCommunityAssets Vulnerability
Step 3: Develop Mitigation Strategy n Define goals and objectives n Identify and analyze a comprehensive range of possible mitigation measures n Develop an action plan for implementing mitigation measures
Step 4: Maintain Plan n Describe method and schedule for monitoring/evaluating/updating plan n Incorporate mitigation plan into existing planning mechanisms (such as capital improvement plans) n Provide for continued public involvement
Step 5: Adopt Plan n Plan must be formally adopted by the governing body of each jurisdiction n Plan should be adopted after the rest of the Plan meets requirements
With plan approval, community is eligible for FEMA project funding
GUIDANCE and AIDS for developing Hazard Mitigation Plans
FEMA Guidance Contains: Regulations 44 CFR Explanation Sample Review comments Revised sample Available at: Part 3, Local plans
State and Local Mitigation Planning How-To Guides Available at and FEMA publications FEMA 386 #1#2#3 #4
Flood Insurance Studies n NFIP Map Modernization reports, maps n Excellent source of flood risk info
n Consists of a Master Table with computer hyperlinks n Provides instant access to key aids, samples, and websites n Organized to show how to meet 5 local plan requirement steps n CD available. To be posted on web Hazard Mitigation Plan Toolkit “One-Stop Shopping”