By: James Starke & Josh Bricker September 2, 2009
The main weapon of the period was the spear. Not only for the peasant but also for the professional soldier. Was maintained as long as possible through the battle..
A light throwing spear. Germanic warriors used a special type of javelin known as an 'angon'. javelins could have been launched in battle when the two armies were about paces apart.
It was generally stronger than the javelin The length of the spear: m (5' - 9') Broad leaf or lozenge shaped head A central ridge for strength.
Almost the same as the thrusting spear except for a few minor details. Two projections which are used to catch and lock an opponent's spear, or to hook an opponents shield out of the way.
Every warrior carried these, from the highest in rank to the peasant. Basically like a modern day pocket knife. In battle it could be used to finish off a felled opponent. It could take the place of a broken sword in the midst of the battle.....
Small hand axes tended to just be wood-axes which were used for combat. The axe as a weapon is good in attack, but fairly poor as a tool to defend yourself with. It is a weapon that quickly induces fear.
'francisca' quite small, with a thick triangular section at the socket, resulting in a very heavy blade for it's small size. The Broadaxe, or Dane-axe a two handed axe introduced by the Vikings The Dane-axe was wielded by the Huscarls in the Battle of Hastings
Anglo-Saxons seem to have used the bow mainly for hunting. Used primarily for hunting small game the sling could have been used in war. Against an armoured man it would have little effect. Against an unarmoured target at close ranges it could break bones and crack skulls. Modern day sling shot
The most prized and lauded weapon Not the most common one. the shape of the sword was the same shape of the modern sword today Varied in lengths The Anglo-Saxons were skilled in making the weapon with steel.
The main type of body armour in Anglo-Saxon times was mail. It would stop the cuttin edge of most weapons. Looked like a bunch of chains melted together.
Head armour of the period consisted of helmets sometimes including a mail coif. Used to deflect objects thrown towards the head. Some earlier helmets also had cheek flaps to protect the side of the head and face.
Shields seem to have been used universally by all warriors. All shields apart from the early small ones were hung over the shoulder The shield wall at the battle of Hastings was to all intense purposes solid and impenetrable, even to the hardiest cavalry rider and horse. Used to deflect arrows or spears shot or thrown towards the target.
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