Library Board Meetings 101 Kathy Schalk-Greene Director, Mount Laurel Library New Directors’ Orientation New Jersey State Library New Jersey State Library February 23, 2011
During This Session You Will Learn how to prepare for, participate in, follow up on and thrive at Board of Trustees meetings
What is the Purpose of a Board of Trustees Meeting? Forum for official actions Approve financial statements Approve expenditures Confirm personnel actions Approve library budget Adopt policies
What is the Purpose of a Board of Trustees Meeting? Opportunity for dialogue with public Discuss issues and advise director Formulate long-range plans Evaluate state of library and library director Discuss library advocacy
What is the Purpose of a Board of Trustees Meeting? A board meeting is not an opportunity for the board to micromanage the operation of the library.
How Do You Prepare for a Board Meeting? Adhere to Open Public Meeting Act Advertise meeting Provide board president with OPMA statement to read at outset of meeting
How Do You Prepare for a Board Meeting? Gather agenda items Establish process for board members to submit items Consult with president about agenda Distribute meeting packets 4-7 days before meeting via
How Do You Prepare for a Board Meeting? Board packet should contain Agenda Financial reports Draft minutes from last meeting Statistical report
How Do You Prepare for a Board Meeting? Board packet should contain –Director’s report –Supporting material for agenda items (draft policies, etc.) Preview agenda in director’s report or Send reminder and poll for quorum
Varies from library to library and board to board Talk to predecessor and board president when coming into this role Find out past practice and evolve into your own style What Is Your Role in the Board Meeting?
Usually the president conducts meeting and may turn over certain sections of meeting to director Directors do not vote Directors advise and recommend to board, do not dictate
What Is Your Role in the Board Meeting? Director should deflect attempts by board to micromanage library operations Director should be prepared to produce minutes and note actions needed for next meeting
What Should You Do After a Board Meeting? Produce the meeting minutes Act on any directives made at meeting Implement and promulgate new policies approved by board
What Should You Do After a Board Meeting? Report to staff about board actions Update board section of library website
What Should You Do After a Board Meeting? Treat yourself to something nice Vent with discretion
What Documents Would Be Useful for Board Meetings? Agenda template Minutes template OPMA meeting announcement Directory of board members Directory of board members meeting reminder template Proposed actions and resolutions Annual schedule of meetings and topics
What Should Be Included In the Meeting Minutes? Compliance with applicable laws Record of what was decided Who voted for what
What Should Be Included In the Meeting Minutes? Who attended the meeting Who came and went when Next meeting information Closed session minutes separate and public
Summary As a result of this lesson you have learned how to prepare for, participate in, follow up on and thrive at Board of Trustees meetings.
Bibliography Swan, James. Working Together: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Trustees and Librarians. New York: Neal- Schuman Publishers, Inc., 1992 New Jersey State Library. New Jersey Public Libraries: A Manual for Trustees, revised edition. Trenton: NJSL, Bowen, William G. The Board Book: An Insider’s guide for Directors and Trustees. New York: Norton, Compares for-profit and non-profit boards. Manley, Will. For library directors only : talking about trustees ; For library trustees only : living with your director. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c1993.