porosity Charbeneau, 2000.
Figure 15.1
Types of Porous Media n = VV / VT = Vol Voids / Total Vol Freeze and Cherry, 1979.
Porosity - not good indicator of flow Bedient et al., 1999.,
Pressure and Elevation Heads - Field = pressure head z = elevation head h = total head Freeze and Cherry, 1979.
Two Confined Aquifers with Different Heads Groundwater will tend to flow from the top aquifer to the bottom aquifer. We can’t make any conclusion about horizontal head gradients from this picture. Charbeneau, 2000.
Horizontal and Vertical Head Gradients Freeze and Cherry, 1979.
Other Aquifer Features
The Major Aquifers of Texas Ogallala Carrizo-Wilcox Edwards Gulf Coast
Recharge Artificial Natural Precipitation Recharge wells melting snow Infiltration by streams and lakes Artificial Recharge wells Water spread over land in pits, furrows, ditches Small dams in stream channels to detain and deflect water