Unit 15 Level D
Avert (v.) to turn aside, turn away; to prevent, avoid Synonym: stop, deflect, ward off, preclude Antonym: invite, induce, provoke, cause
Combatant (n.) a fighter; (adj.) engaged in fighting Synonym: (n.) soldier, warrior; (adj.) hostile, battling Antonym: (n.) civilian; (adj.) peaceful, neutral
Dormant (adj.) inactive; in a state of suspension; sleeping Synonym: resting, still, quiescent Antonym: awake, active, lively, productive
Legion (n.) a large military force; any large group or number; (adj.) many, numerous Synonym: (n.) multitude, host, throng, division, regiment Antonym: (n.) squad, platoon; (adj.) few, sparse
Plaintiff (n.) one who begins a lawsuit Synonym: complainant, accuser Antonym: defendant, accused
Probe (v.) to examine, investigate thoroughly; (n.) an investigation; a device used to explore or examine Synonym: (v.) explore, scrutinize; (n.) inquiry, detector Antonym: (v.) conceal, hide; (n.) cover-up, whitewash
Protract (v.) to draw out or lengthen in space or time Synonym: prolong, extend, elongate, spin out Antonym: contract, compress, concentrate
Quarry (v.) to cut or take from (or as if from) a quarry; (n.) a place from which stone is taken; something that is hunted or pursued Synonym: (n.) prey, game, victim, pit, mine Antonym: (n.) hunter, predator, pursuer
Spurn (v.) to refuse with scorn, disdain Synonym: turn down, reject, decline, snub Antonym: accept, welcome, great
Subterfuge (n.) an excuse or trick for escaping or hiding something Synonym: dodge, blind, ruse, deception