Pg. 25
After Earth formed, radioactive elements decayed and heat was released Caused melting of interior Denser elements sank to core (iron and nickel) Process is still on going Created layers
Two different ways to define layers: Composition Physical properties
Consists of 3 major layers defined by chemical composition: Crust (silica) Mantle (Fe and Mg) Core (Fe and Ni)
2 types: oceanic and continental Oceanic is younger, made of basaltic rocks, and about 7 km thick Continental crust averages about 40 km, average composition of granite About 70% oceanic crust and 30% continental crust
Contains of 82% of Earth’s volume SOLID, rocky shell that extends to a depth of 2890 km Boundary between crust and mantle represents a change in composition
Composed of mostly iron and nickel Incredibly dense Tons of pressure
Temperature and pressure affect the physical properties of rock Material may behave like a brittle solid, a putty, or liquid 5 layers: Lithosphere Asthenosphere Mesosphere (lower mantle) outer core inner core
Outermost layer Consists of crust and uppermost mantle Relatively cool and rigid About 100 km thick
Soft, weak layer Rocks are close to their melting point Like hot wax
More rigid than asthenosphere Rocks are still hot and capable of flow but very slow
Liquid layer 2260 km thick Generates Earths magnetic field by flow of iron
Radius of 1220 km Compressed into a solid state because of pressure
Used seismic waves from Earthquakes Speed would change or waves would deflect when passing through different layers Studied composition from meteorites, and experiments where rock is heated and pressurized
Create a diagram that shows the difference between Earth’s layers being separated by chemical composition and physical properties Color it to show the difference between the two List characteristics of each layer in your drawing