Ricky Buch Program Manager Microsoft Corporation Kevin Michael Woley Program Manager Microsoft Corporation PC50
Kevin Michael Woley Program Manager Microsoft Corporation
Instrumentation exposes internal OS and application state in a discoverable, easily consumable, standardized way
Performance CountersEvents Example Usages Expose processing rates Measure performance General notifications Errors and warnings Trace actions for debugging Data TypesStrictly NumericalNo restriction Data Consumption Polled in real-time Written to a log file Delivered in real-time Written to a log file Buffered in memory Applications can make use of both Performance Counters and Events
Kevin Michael Woley
Event AudienceDeveloper Developer; IT Professional System Administrator TechnologyWPPETWEvent Log Event ControlManual Always On Max Event RateHigh (10^4 / sec) Medium (10^2 - 10^4 / sec) Features Easy Implementation Requires symbol- like files to decode Declaratively defined in manifests Programmatic Consumption Discoverability Localizable Strings Flexible Data Model Higher dev cost than WPP Same Features of ETW plus: Remote Collection Data Query Support Inbox Tool Support Centralized event logs Reduced logging rate Common API Set and Development Model
Design your application’s events and counters with a goal in mind
Design 1 Create Instrumentation Manifest (ECMangen) XML Manifest 2 Instrumentation Definition CTRPP / MC preprocessors.rc.c.h 3 Generate Code Instrument provider APIs New provider code 4 Instrument Build New Provider 5 Build 5 Steps Win7: Event Logging Code Generation & Improved Manifest Validation
Kevin Michael Woley
Ricky Buch Program Manager Microsoft Corporation
Troubleshooting is the process of detecting and resolving a problem
Troubleshooting Packs detect and resolve configuration problems
Ricky Buch
Trouble- shooting Packs Troubleshooting Platform PowerShell GUI Reports CMD
Identification Metadata Resolution Scripts Verification Scripts Localized Resources Trouble- shooting Pack Name and description List of configuration issues Security signature Checks current configuration with expected configuration Sets the current configuration to what is expected Verifies that current configuration is now what is expected Contains localized display strings in MUI format Detection Scripts
Troubleshooting Platform PowerShell Runtime Reports GUI CMD Identification Metadata Detection Scripts Resolution Scripts Verification Scripts Localized Resources Detect a problem Get input from user Provide progress Write to the report Detect a problem Get input from user Provide progress Write to the report
Ricky Buch
Troubleshooting Packs offer multiple deployment options.
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