Prolieve Thermodilatation ® System Baren-Boym Company worked on Thermocouple analysis and design of the Rectal Temperature Monitor Worked with Chris Oskin on that project
Flexscope Project 2 way articulation Mechanical design for break/ locking Industrial design (5) of the housing Worked with Bill Asselin, Chris Oskin
This is VIDEO, click on it and PLAY to view Flexscope Project 4 way articulation Designed multiple 4 way articulation mechanisms Working prototypes (see video) Worked with Chris Oskin, Bill Asselin
Enucleation Device Generated multiple (8) working concepts Worked with Michael Weiser
Pathfinder project. Worked on two versions of the instrument. Mechanisms, ergonomics (10 initial designs) Working prototypes, Lab Worked with Jim Goddard, Isaac Ostrovsky
Flexscope Project 2 way articulation Designed control wire breaking prevention mechanisms. Worked with Chris Oskin, Bill Asselin
vaginal manipulator or paddle FEA/ done for Michael Weiser FLEX MODE: 1. Load to 'break' vm or maximum principal stress 2. How far will the vm deflect with 3 lbs load applied 3. How much load is required to deflect (flex) the vm 3 inches TORQUE MODE: 1. Load to 'break' vm or yield or maximum principal stress 2. How far will the vm twist with 5in-lb placed on it 3. How much torque required to twist vm 20degrees