Human Neuropsychology, Bryan Kolb & Ian Q. Whishaw’s Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology, Sixth Edition Chapter 15 Lecture PPT Prepared by Gina Mollet, Adams State College
The Frontal Lobes
Portrait: Losing Frontal-Lobe Functions E.L. Highly organized college professor Became disorganized, showed little emotion, and began to miss deadlines Scores on intelligence and memory tests were superior Showed impairment on frontal lobe tests
Anatomy of the Frontal Lobes Constitute 20% of the neocortex Subdivisions Motor: Area 4 Premotor: Areas 6 and 8 Can be divided into: Lateral area 6: Premotor cortex Medial area 6: Supplementary motor cortex Area 8: Frontal eye field Area 8A: Supplementary eye field
Anatomy of the Frontal Lobes Prefrontal Cortex Area of the frontal lobe that receives input from the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus Divisions Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Inferior Frontal Cortex Also called Orbitofrontal cortex Medial Frontal Cortex Sometimes considered part of the cingulate Many areas of the frontal lobe are multimodal
Connections of the Motor and Premotor Areas Motor Cortex Projects to spinal motor neurons, cranial nerves that control the face Projects to the basal ganglia and the red nucleus Premotor Projections to the spinal cord Projections to the motor cortex
Connections of the Motor and Premotor Areas Receives projections from parietal areas PE and PF Receives projections from dorsolateral prefrontal area Eye fields Receive from PG and the superior colliculus
Connections of the Prefrontal Areas End of dorsal and ventral streams of visual input Dorsolateral Prefrontal Area Reciprocal connections with the posterior parietal and STS Extensive connections with the cingulate cortex, basal ganglia, and superior colliculus Receives input from dopaminergic cells in tegmentum
Connections of the Prefrontal Areas Orbital Frontal Cortex Receives from the temporal lobe, amygdala, gustatory cortex, somatosensory cortex, olfactory cortex, dopaminergic cells in tegmentum Projects to hypothalamus and amygdala
A Theory of Frontal-Lobe Function Planning and selection Persistence and ignoring distracting stimuli Memory for what you have already done Executive Functions Responds to both internal, external, and context cues
Functions of the Premotor Cortex Selects movements to be executed Functions to choose behavior in response to external cues An increase in activity in the premotor cortex is seen when cues become associated with movement
Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex Controls cognitive processes so that appropriate movements are selected at the correct time Internal Cues Temporal memory: Memory for what has just happened External Cues Feedback about rewarding properties of stimuli Orbital Frontal Cortex - Learning by association
Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex Context Cues Orbital Frontal - Social Interactions Autonoetic Awareness Self knowledge Binding together the awareness of oneself as continuous through time
Asymmetry of the Frontal Lobes Left Language Encoding memories Right Nonverbal movements, facial expression Retrieving memories
Heterogeneity of Frontal-Lobe Function Frontal lobes perform a variety of functions Frontal damage is unlikely to produce impairment to all functions
Snapshot: Heterogeneity of Function in the Orbitofrontal Cortex Stephen Frey and Michael Petrides Examined functions of the orbital region using PET Increased activity in area 13 to unpleasant auditory stimuli Increased activity in area 11 when learning new visual information Functional dissociation between the two areas Area 13: Responds to affective qualities Area 11: Processes new visual information
Symptoms of Frontal Lobe Lesions Disturbances of Motor Function Loss of fine movements, speed, and strength Typically appears after damage to the primary motor cortex Loss of movement programming Damage to the premotor or dorsolateral cortex Changes in voluntary gaze Damage to the frontal eye fields
Symptoms of Frontal Lobe Lesions Disturbances of Motor Function Corollary discharge or reafference Internal neural signal that movement will occur Frontal lobe damage disrupts corollary discharge Speech Problems Damage to Broca’s area Agrammatism Damage to the supplementary motor cortex Mute
Symptoms of Frontal Lobe Lesions Convergent vs. Divergent Thinking Convergent thinking: Only one answer to the question Divergent thinking: Questions that ask for a variety of responses Frontal lobe patients are impaired on divergent thinking Loss of behavioral spontaneity Decreased verbal fluency Decreased design fluency Reduction in general behaviors
Symptoms of Frontal Lobe Lesions Increased perseveration Inability to form a strategy Larger deficit when completing novel tasks Loss of response inhibition The Wisconsin Card Sorting Task The Stroop Test
The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
The Stroop Test
Symptoms of Frontal Lobe Lesions Take more risks Iowa Gambling Task Appears after damage to the orbitofrontal cortex Deficits in self-regulation Loss of associative learning Inability to select from competing responses
Testing Associative Learning
Symptoms of Frontal Lobe Lesions Poor Temporal Memory Five animal experiments indicate a role for the frontal lobe in temporal memory Area 46 Role in providing an internal representation of spatial information Active during delayed response test Medial regions Role in object recognition
Experiments Showing Deficits of Temporal Memory
Symptoms of Frontal Lobe Lesions Poor Temporal Memory Studying Temporal Memory in Humans Recency memory Tests memory for the order in which things have occurred Frontal lobe patients show impairment on this task Recent Findings on Temporal Memory Critical role for the prefrontal cortex Fuster and colleagues Single cell recording of sensory associations across time
Symptoms of Frontal Lobe Lesions Impaired social and sexual behavior Example: Phineas Gage
Symptoms of Frontal Lobe Lesions Impaired social and sexual behavior Changes in personality Pseudodepression Appears after lesions of the left frontal lobe Outward apathy, indifference, loss of initiative Reduced sexual interest, Little or no verbal output Pseudopsychopathy Appears after lesions of the right frontal lobe Immature behavior, lack of tact and restraint Promiscuous sexual behavior Coarse language, lack of social graces, increased motor activity
Symptoms of Frontal Lobe Lesions Impaired social and sexual behavior Deficits in Social and sexual behavior Orbitofrontal lesions Reduce inhibitions and may introduce abnormal sexual behavior Leads to deficits in identifying facial expressions Dorsolateral lesions Reduce interest in sexual behavior
Symptoms of Frontal Lobe Lesions Spatial Deficits? May be a role for the frontal lobe in selecting visual locations Symptoms Associated with Damage to the Frontal Facial Area Sensory and motor functions of the face are preserved after damage Left: Loss of verbal fluency Right: Loss of design fluency
Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment of Frontal Lobe Damage
Imaging Frontal Lobe Function
Diseases Affecting the Frontal Lobe Schizophrenia Abnormality in the mesocortical dopaminergic projection Decrease in blood flow to the frontal lobes, and frontal lobe atrophy Parkinson’s Disease Loss of dopamine cells in the substantia nigra that project to the prefrontal cortex Korsakoff’s Alcohol-induced damage to the dorsomedial thalamus and a deficiency in frontal lobe catecholamines