Analysis of Various Parameters Associated with Oil Lubricated Journal Bearings By: Paul Wolfinger
Background In marine bearing lubrication, the rotating shaft inside the bearing is in the presence of oil, which generates a wedge between the two due to the dynamics of the fluid. The fluid generally adheres to each body and must shear in order to accommodate the relative motion. Fluid film thickness between the bearing surface and rotor provides lubrication, of which one can determine a velocity and temperature profile.
Project Purpose This project evaluates full journal bearings, which completely surround the shaft journal to show relationships between diameter and RPM. Four full journal bearing types are evaluated in COMSOL at four different conditions to trade-off bearing stability and capability to handle load: Plain journal Elliptical journal Pressure dam journal Offset/lobe journal
Validation of COMSOL Reynolds equation with Sommerfeld solultion used to validate COMSOL Petroff’s Equation to compare cases
Validation of COMSOL
Bearing Types Plain Elliptical Pressure Dam Offset/lobe
Conditions for Evaluation of Each Bearing in COMSOL Case A B C D Bearing Radius (m) 0.25 0.50 Rotor Radius (m) 0.24 0.48 Rotational Speed (rad/sec) 104.7 209.4 Offset in X-dir (m) 0.003 Offset in Y-dir (m) Eccentricity (m) 0.00424 Radial Clearance (m) 0.01 0.02 Eccentricity Ratio 0.000 0.424 0.212
Plain Journal Bearing Results Case A B C D Bearing Radius (m) 0.25 0.50 Rotor Radius (m) 0.24 0.48 Rotational Speed (rad/sec) 104.7 209.4 Max Pressure (kPa) 4.36 104.98 190.74 701.24 Min Pressure (kPa) -5.49 -130.96 -209.30 -795.62 Max Temperature (K) 305.64 306.69 305.29 305.51
Elliptical Bearing Results Case A B C D Bearing Radius (m) 0.25 0.50 Rotor Radius (m) 0.24 0.48 Rotational Speed (rad/sec) 104.7 209.4 Max Pressure (kPa) 36.73 106.13 245.79 1217 Min Pressure (kPa) -56.8 -154.5 -376 -1651 Max Temperature (K) 305.59 305.73 305.24 305.3
Pressure Dam Bearing Results Case A B C D Bearing Radius (m) 0.25 0.50 Rotor Radius (m) 0.24 0.48 Rotational Speed (rad/sec) 104.7 209.4 Max Pressure (kPa) 48.8 108 249 763 Min Pressure (kPa) -22.4 -114 -224 -788 Max Temperature (K) 305.57 306.98 305.29 305.66
Offset/Lobe Bearing Results Case A B C D Bearing Radius (m) 0.25 0.50 Rotor Radius (m) 0.24 0.48 Rotational Speed (rad/sec) 104.7 209.4 Max Pressure (kPa) 40.8 66.2 160 576 Min Pressure (kPa) -30.9 -90 -198 -728 Max Temperature (K) 305.73 306.10 305.33 305.59
Summary of Case A and B Case A Case B Bearing Plain Elliptical Pressure Dam Offset/Lobe Max Pressure (kPa) 4.36 36.73 48.76 40.82 Min Pressure (kPa) -5.49 -56.77 -22.39 -30.94 Max Temperature (K) 305.64 305.59 305.57 305.73 Case B Bearing Plain Elliptical Pressure Dam Offset/Lobe Max Pressure (kPa) 104.98 106.13 107.92 66.24 Min Pressure (kPa) -130.96 -154.52 -114.06 -89.62 Max Temperature (K) 306.69 305.73 306.98 306.10
Summary of Case C and D Case C Case D Bearing Plain Elliptical Pressure Dam Offset/Lobe Max Pressure (kPa) 190.74 245.79 249.13 159.57 Min Pressure (kPa) -209.30 -376.15 -224.20 -197.65 Max Temperature (K) 305.29 305.24 305.33 Case D Bearing Plain Elliptical Pressure Dam Offset/Lobe Max Pressure (kPa) 701.24 1,217.2 763.42 575.86 Min Pressure (kPa) -795.62 -1,651.7 -788.30 -727.71 Max Temperature (K) 305.51 305.30 305.66 305.59