Sheep Brain Dissection Jared Peet
Warm Up – Class 5 – Sheep Brain Dissection As you enter the lab, please find your assigned table. At your table, take out your lab handout Put on your lab equipment and prepare to begin the lab
Lab As you complete the dissection, imagine you are Galen in the 2 nd century – you see the anatomy, but can you imagine physiologically what these parts do? What clues could you use to figure out what the different parts of the brain do?
Comparing Sheep and Human Brain
Key Differences Size – Human brain is larger – 1400 grams vs. 140 grams Shape – elongated vs. circular Humans – larger prefrontal cortex – Complex cognitive behavior, personality, decision making, executive functioning Humans – more ridges and contours of cerebrum – Increased surface, increased efficiency, more neurons Sheep – larger olfactory bulb – Responsible for smell Sheep – larger pineal gland – Responsible for reproduction and circadian rhythms Frontal Lobe- associated with reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving Parietal Lobe- associated with movement, orientation, recognition, perception of stimuli Occipital Lobe- associated with visual processing Temporal Lobe- associated with perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech
Free Write Let’s go back and work on our free write... What paradigm shift did William Harvey help create? – In your response, use the terms “empiricism” and “dissection”
Quiz – Know Terms & People Terms Paradigm Shift Geocentric Heliocentric Empiricism Dissection Vivisection People Ptolemy Kepler Brahe Copernicus Galileo Galen Harvey
Beginning the Research Process
Organizing Your Sources Go to Google Drive Open your shared History folder Create a new folder – “Research Project” Create a new document – “Last Name – Sources” Every source you take notes on, put a complete citation in MLA format in this document. – Don’t number your sources, use letters – First source is A, then B, and so on FOR MORE INFO ON HOW TO CITE IN MLA FORMAT, SEE THE SUBFOLDER IN THE RESEARCH PAPER RESOURCES FOLDER ON MOODLE
What is a Research Note Card? What is it? Why do we use it?
Introducing Research Note Cards Go to Google Drive Open your shared History folder Open your Research Project folder Create a new document – “Last Name – RNCs” Go to Moodle, Topic 10, Research Paper Resources – open the link to the Research Note Cards template – Cut and paste a bunch of RNCs in your document “Last Name – RNCs”
Exit Ticket On a piece of paper write down the following: – The name of your person for your research project – 2 facts you learned about them over the weekend – If you don’t know anything about them, write down what you will do tonight to learn something about them