Darwin (1831) Natural Selection Favorable adaptations to features of the environment allow some members of a species to reproduce more successfully than others Finches Galapagos Islands Survival of the fittest
Genotype Genetic structure from parent
Phenotype Observable characteristics
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Contain genes
Heredity Passing on traits from parent to offspring
Genetics Study of the inheritance of physical + psychological traits from ancestors
Genes Basic units of heredity
Human Behavior Genetics Explore the link between inheritance + behavior
Sociobiology Evolutionary explanation for social behavior + systems
Neuroscience Scientific study of the brain + links to activity + behavior
Electroencephalogram (EEG) Record electric brain activity
Positron-Emissions Tomography (PET) Scans Given “safe” radiation that goes to brain to see activity in brain
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Radio waves + magnetic fields to see brain image
Functional MRI MRI + PET
Central Nervous System Composed of neurons Brain + spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System Connect CNS to body periphery
Somatic Nervous System Regulates skeletal, muscles + skin
Autonomic Nervous System Controls body’s involuntary motor responses – Sympathetic = emergency – Parasympathetic = routine internal operations
Nervous System
The Brain Electronic stimulations Broca’s area – Thoughts into speech or sign Lesions – Injuries or dead areas of brain
The Brain Structures Brain Stem – Regulates internal organs – Pons-Bridge-connects spinal cord with brain – Medulla-heart, breathing, blood pressure – Reticular Formation Spinal cord, alerts cerebral cortex – Thalamus Channels incoming sensory information to appropriate area of cerebral cortex – Cerebellum Balance, coordination
Brain Structure - Limbic System Regulates emotional behavior, motivation+memory Body temp., blood pressure, blood sugar 3 structures – Hippocampus Explicit memories – Amygdala Emotions+emotional memory – Hypothalamus Motivated behavior (eating, drink, sex) Keeps bodies homeostasis (balance)
Brain Structure - Cerebrum Regulates higher cognitive + emotional functions Cerebral cortex – Outside 1/10 of cerebrum – 2 halves cerebral hemispheres Corpus callosum – Separated cerebral hemispheres Mapping – Central sulcus-vertical – Lateral fissures-horizontal
Brain Structure
Cerebrum Cont. Frontal lobe – Motor controls + cognitive activities Parietal Lobe – Sensations (limbs) Touch, pain, temps Occipital lobe – Vision (eyes) Temporal lobe – Hearing (ears) Motor cortex – Voluntary muscle control Approx. 600 Brain Structure
Cerebrum Cont. Somatosensory cortex – Temp, touch, pain (lips, tongue, index finger) Auditory cortex – Both ears/both lobes Visual cortex – Both eyes-retina Association cortex – Planning and decision making Wernicke’s Area – Spoken language
Hemispheric Lateralication Things happen on different sides of brain, + communicate through the corpus callosum i.e.. Left-speech
Endocrine System Network of glands that secrete hormones (chemical messengers). – Growth, mood, sex Pituitary Gland – “Master Gland” Secretes – testosterone - estrogen Other glands – Thyroid, Pancreas, Ovaries, Testes
Endocrine System SZ4 SZ4
The Nerve Neuron – Cell to receive, process and transmit information to other cells – Dendrites Branched fibers of neurons that receive incoming signals – Soma – Cell body of a neuron Contain nucleus + cytoplasm Integrates info. – Axon Extended fiber of a neuron, nerve impulses pass soma to terminal buttons – Terminal Buttons Bulblike structure that stimulate glands, muscles or other neurons
The Nervous System Glia – Cells that hold nerves together – Remove dead neurons Stops poisons in blood from reaching brain
The Nervous System Excitatory-fire Inhibitory-don’t fire
The Nervous System Action Potential – Nerve impulse released All – or – None Law – Size of potential unaffected by increased intensity Refractionary Period – Rest period-nerve cannot fire Synapse – Gap between one neuron+another – Transmission Neurotransmitters – Chemicals released from one neuron to another – 60 diff. chemicals
The Nervous System 3 major classes of neurons – Sensory- towards (CNS) – Motor-away(CNS) – Interneurons-bridge between neurons