Emotional Memory ( The Prefrontal Cortex) & Phineas Gage B 陳 黎 B 曾資斌
A Gruesome but True Story Phineas P. Gage (1823 –1860) construction foreman left frontal lobe destroyed effects ? "no longer Gage".
左前額葉皮 質嚴重損壞 生理機能正常 情緒表現異常 左前額葉與生 理機能無關 左前額葉與情 緒表現相關 How? The Limbic System Before & After
Take a Closer Look…… Before After Why?? Prefrontal cortex damaged Emotionally detached impatient erratic
The Lymbic System
Prefrontal cortex(PFC) Frontal lobe granular electrical stimulation evoke movements Motor cortex Premotor area Prefrontal cortex
Function Importance? CEO of the brain Jiminy cricket “It is the tiny voice help you decide what is right and wrong.”
When PFC goes wrong… 運作過度 …… 活動低落 …… (lack of dopamine)
What happened to Gage? Destroyed Not destroyed
PFC & ADHD 意力不足過動障礙症 ( 過動症 ) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Why? Dopamine dopa decarboxylase 多巴脫羧酵素
Lobotomy 前額葉切離手術 Egas Moniz, 1935 Schizophrenia, clinical depression Connections to PFC
Reference PHINEAS GAGE : A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science, by John Fleischman, 2002 Making A Good Brain Great, by Daniel G. Amen, 2007 認識你的頭腦, 洪祖培教授、邱浩彰醫師著