Pleasant Surprises in Online Teaching Jacqueline Moloney, Ed.D. Dean, Continuing Studies and Corporate Education UMASS Lowell Gordon College August 23, 2001 University of Massachusetts Lowell Continuing Studies and Corporate Education
Overview of Presentation Goals New opportunities for fostering interaction and communication using the internet Strategies to experiment in on-campus courses New resources available to support experiments Specific Tips in: -Online Course Materials -Online Faculty/Student -Online Student/Student University of Massachusetts Lowell Continuing Studies and Corporate Education
Overarching Concerns and Pleasant Surprises -Time to learn and convert: is it worth it? Once done easy to build on Stimulating Support available Students responded favorably : Interaction improved University of Massachusetts Lowell Continuing Studies and Corporate Education
Online Course Materials Tips Learning-Centered Syllabus Online Start Here -Get to know faculty and students outside class time -Familiarize and refer back for goals, expectations, etc. Online grade bood Quality Web sites available in your related fields -Eg. Surprises New medium enhances presentation Save in-class time -Student and faculty introduction enhanced -Save paper, replacements, etc. Enables students to monitor their own progress Use of web provides new opportunity to develop needed skills for faculty and students University of Massachusetts Lowell Continuing Studies and Corporate Education
Online Course Demo
Courses include the instructor’s biography, course description and requirements, a full syllabus with links, and the overall objectives of the course. University of Massachusetts Lowell Continuing Studies and Corporate Education Purchasing & Materials Management Course# Credits: 3 Requires: Proctored Exams Instructor & Syllabus David LewisProctored Exams Instructor & Syllabus Week 1 Purchasing, A Profession in Transition; Week 2 The Role of Purchasing and Supply Management in Business; Objectives and Policies Week 3 Sources of Supply: Part I; Sources of Supply: Part II Week 4 International/Global Sourcing; Negotiation Week 5 Pricing Principles; Cost Analysis; Dealing with Cost Uncertainty: Types of Compensation Agreements Week 6 Operating Procedures; Organization; Purchasing Role in New Product Development Week 7 Purchase Descriptions and Specifications; Standardization Week 8 Midterm Exam Week 9 Outsourcing and Make-or-Buy Decisions; Traffic Week 10 Legal Considerations; Materials Management Issues Week 11 Ethical and Professional Considerations Week 12 Post-award Activities and the Management of Supplier Relations; Managing for Quality Week 13 ISO9000; Supply Chain Management Considerations Week 14 Final Exam & Final Paper Due
Instructor/Student Interaction Concern: How to infuse personal style of faculty into the course, read the class,how to achieve discussions online, etc.? - Chat, and threaded discussions are excellent modes of participating -Sometimes there’s more interaction than in class (easier for some to communicate) -Dependent on faculty involvement and interest in facilitating interaction University of Massachusetts Lowell Continuing Studies and Corporate Education
Instructor/Student Interaction Tips Provide opportunities to communicate with you through , chat or threaded discussions -Practice guiding discussions online versus lecture Try giving students a chance to respond to something online prior to class presentation Surprises Written communication -has as much voice as in-class delivery -Stimulates new ways to think about organizing interaction -students interact more effectively in asynchronous manner -time for reflection -interaction with ideas -processing of information read, recite, review University of Massachusetts Lowell Continuing Studies and Corporate Education
Chat Room Discussions
Threaded Discussions *Extensive Online Tutorials for Intralearn and Webboard Discussions* *The ability to respond and react to classmates without having to hurry and compact discussions*
Exams Online!
Student/Student Interaction Tips Formal discussion groups Team projects Surprises Informal student communication University of Massachusetts Lowell Continuing Studies and Corporate Education
Contact Information Jacqueline Moloney, Dean CSCE UMass Lowell and Chief Academic Officer for UMass Online University of Massachusetts Lowell Continuing Studies and Corporate Education