Draper’s Corner Intersection Reconstruction Drapers Corner Intersection Improvement Project City Council Update Thursday November 12, 2009
Project began on the 10 year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Funded with special appropriations in the Federal transportation funding bill. Project is a Municipally Managed project that is funded by the Federal Highway Administration through the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. The engineer for the project is CLD consulting Engineers of Manchester New Hampshire selected through the QBS process. Executed design services contract on April Project to include new signals on mast arms, additional turn lanes, culvert replacement, aerial utility relocations, and non-participating underground utility upgrade within the project limits Project Overview
Maple Avenue Hillstead Road Charlestown Road West Pleasant Street Tyler Brook
Hillstead RoadMaple Avenue East
West Pleasant StreetMaple Avenue West
Charlestown Road
NHDOT/Municipally Managed Process – Project Development Design Phase QBS Selection Process Engineering Studies Preliminary Design Final Design Bid Documents Environmental Phase Natural Resource Coordination Cultural Resource Coordination Right of Way Phase Determine Need Public Hearing Negotiations Construction Phase
Existing Approach Configuration Hillstead RoadSingle through and turn lane Maple Avenue EastSingle through and turn lane West Pleasant StreetSingle through and turn lane Maple Avenue WestSingle through and turn lane Charlestown RoadSingle through and turn lane Proposed Approach Configuration Hillstead RoadSingle through and turn lane Maple Avenue EastDedicated left, through and slip West Pleasant StreetDedicated through/left, dedicated right Maple Avenue WestDedicated left, through and slip Charlestown RoadDedicated through/left, dedicated right
Schedule and Funding Engineering, 2007 through Months Right of Way, 2009/ Months Construction, 2010 thru Months Original Budget Professional $ 200,000100% 0% Engineering (PE) ROW$ 50,000100% 0% Construction$ 494,000100% 0% Construction$1,006,000 80%20% TOTAL$1,750,000$1,298,800$201,200 $ 750,000 Grant $1,000,000 80/20 Split