Board Adopted School Budget PTA Presentation April 18, 2007 Amended April 19, 2007 Budget Vote May 15, :00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. School Library
SCHOOL BUDGET Significant Budgetary Considerations 1. Impact Of Tax Certiorari Claims/Settlements 2. Changes In Assessed Valuation 3. Transportation 1. Purchase Of Replacement Buses 4. Incarcerated Youth 1. Increase In Allocation/Increase In Resulting State Aid
SCHOOL BUDGET Significant Budgetary Considerations 5. Health Insurance Increases 6. Salary Increases 7. Retirement Cost Increases 8. Workers Compensation/Liability Insurance Cost Increases 9. High School Tuition Increases
March 6, Draft # 1 Budget $22,284,194 The Initial Draft Budget Provides for: Budget to Budget Increase of 9.28% Projected Tax Rate Increase: With Assessment Changes: Greenburgh18.72% Mt. Pleasant18.20% Without Assessment Changes: Greenburgh7.50% Mt. Pleasant7.03%
March 12 Draft # 2 Budget $21,830,565 Draft # 2 Budget dated Provides for: Budget to Budget Increase of 7.05% Projected Tax Rate Increase: With Assessment Changes: Greenburgh16.34% Mt. Pleasant15.83% Without Assessment Changes: Greenburgh5.35% Mt. Pleasant4.88%
March 14 Draft # 3 Budget $22,041,265 Draft # 3 Budget Dated Provides for: Budget to Budget Increase of8.09% Projected Tax Rate Increase: With Assessment Changes: Greenburgh17.09% Mt. Pleasant16.57% Without Assessment Changes: Greenburgh6.02% Mt. Pleasant5.55%
March 26, Draft # 4 Budget $21,724,610 The Draft 4 Budget Provides for: Budget to Budget Increase of 6.53% Projected Tax Rate Increase: With Assessment Changes: Greenburgh15.02% Mt. Pleasant14.51% Without Assessment Changes: Greenburgh4.09% Mt. Pleasant3.63%
Adopted Budget April 10, $21,604,610 The Adopted Budget Provides for: Budget to Budget Increase of 5.95% Projected Tax Rate Increase: With Assessment Changes: Greenburgh14.21% Mt. Pleasant13.71% Without Assessment Changes: Greenburgh3.36% Mt. Pleasant2.90%
Adopted Budget $21,604,610 Budgeted Revenue
Adopted Budget Highlights of The Budget Technology (IPA) $ 449,237 Tractor Replacements $ 43,270 Replacement of 2 large buses $ 50,000 (Interest & Principal) Interscholastic Program $ 45,398 Summer Camp $ 260,688 Swim Program $161,754 After School Program $ 52,948
Summary of Budgetary Increases/ (Decreases) Adopted Budget Salaries$ 248,424 Tuition$ 677,658 Benefits$ 186,536 Equipment$ ( 1,014) Contractual$ 7,534 Supplies$ ( 29,461) Textbooks$ (43,313) BOCES$ 129,932 Incarcerated Youth$ 437,425 Debt Service$ 48,866 Capital Projects$ (450,000) Total$ 1,212,587
Impact of Change In Assessment
Percentage Change in Tax Levy Westchester County School Districts as of % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Pocantico Hills % % Average 6.08%
Tax Rate Comparison Tax Rates School True ValueTaxes on DistrictTax Rate$500,000Index $9, $7, $7, $6, $5, $4, Pocantico 7.10$3,
Adopted Budget Increase Total Budget to Budget Increase 5.95% Mandated, Or Mandated By Community Expectations 5.31% Increase In Non Mandated Costs.64% Total 5.95%
Adopted Budget $21,604,610 Total Budget $21,604,610 Mandated, Or Mandated By Community Expectations $21,364, % NonMandated Costs $ 240, % Total $21,604, %
Mandated and/or Mandated by Community Expectations Board of Education ($6,150) District Clerk ($3,000) District Meeting $ 3,800 Central Administration $19,379 Auditing ($ 875) Treasurer ( $ 967) Legal $15,213
Mandated, and/or Mandated by Community Expectations Public Information Services ($ 7,550) Maintenance & Operations $101,446 Postage $ 2,463 Liability Insurance $ 4,487 Student Accident Insurance School Association Dues $ 1,137
Mandated, and/or Mandated by Community Expectations Assessment on School Property($ 14,251) Refund of Real Property Tax $ 7,299 BOCES Administrative Costs $ 3,751 Instruction & Supervision $509,775 Foreign Language Pre Kindergarten Kindergarten Art – Required for Middle School only Music – Required for Middle School only
Mandated, and/or Mandated by Community Expectations Programs for Students With Disabilities $651,372 Academic Intervention Services $ 17,930 Library Services ($19,996) Library Book Replacement State Aided Computer Assisted Instr. $150,731 3 rd Year IPA Pupil Personal Services Program ($4,662) Interscholastic Athletics ($4,067)
Mandated, and/or Mandated by Community Expectations Transportation $16,071 Bus Monitors Community Service ($ 4,938) Community Recreation (Pool) Summer Camp After School Program Employee Benefits $186,536 Debt Service $ 48,866 INTERFUND Transfers ($450,000) Lunch Fund Total Budget Increase $1,212, %
Budgetary Items Not Mandated Clerical Overtime$ 7,500 Custodial Overtime$ 41,000 Custodial Equipment$ 46,470 Instructional Supervision $ 13,400 In-Service Training $ 58,598
Assessed Valuation History Mt. PleasantGreenburgh ,715,48441,933, ,631,07341,723, ,248,57240,879, ,870,15640,827, est.15,274,06534,961, /07-08 Change (596,091) (5,865,813) Tax Rate Impact: 10.81% 10.85%
Assessed Valuation Mt. Pleasant After Tax Certiorari Claim Settlements Decrease of $596,091
Assessed Valuation – Greenburgh After Tax Certiorari Claim Settlements Decrease of $5,825,813
Adopted Budget Budget Deletions From Initial Draft A1010-BOARD OF EDUCATIONPage CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES $ 7, Supplies & Materials $ 2,000 $9,355 A1040-District ClerkPage Contractual Expenses $ 8,000 $8,000 A1240 – SUPERINTENDENTPage Equipment$ 3, Contractual Expenses $ 1, Supplies & Materials $ 1,900 $6,100
Adopted Budget Budget Deletions From Initial Draft A1310-Business AdministrationPage Non Instructional Salaries $ 7, Materials & Supplies $ 1,500 $11, BOCES Service $ 2,500$11,500 A 1325-TreasurerPage Non-Instructional Salary $ 5,000 $ 5,000 A1380-Fiscal Agent $ 650$ 650
Adopted Budget Budget Deletions From Initial Draft A1480-Public Information ServicesPage Contractual Expenses$ Materials & Supplies$ 2,500$ 3,000 A1620- CENTRAL SERVICESPage Contractual Expenses$ 53, Materials & Supplies$ 4,000$57,750 A1621- MaintenancePage Non Instructional Salaries$ 1,000$ 1,000
Adopted Budget Budget Deletions From Initial Draft A2020-INSTRUCTIONAL SUPERVISIONPage Non Instructional Salaries$ 2, Contractual$ 2,000$ 4,500 A2110 – TEACHING REGULAR SCHOOL Page Teacher Salary 1-5$ 268, Non Instructional Salaries$ 19, Equipment$ 25, Contractual$ 33, Materials & Supplies$ 57, Textbooks$ 50,210$ 455,165
Adopted Budget Budget Deletions From Initial Draft A2250- STUDENTS WITH DISABILITES Page Instructional Salaries$ 5, Teacher Aide$ 19, Equipment$ 1, Contractual Expenses$ 4, Materials & Supplies$ 1,000$30,440 A2610-SCHOOL LIBRARY & AV Page Contractual Expenses$ 1, Materials & Supplies$ 16,125 $17,305
Adopted Budget Budget Deletions From Initial Draft A2630-Computer Assisted InstructionPage Equipment$10, Contractual$ 5, BOCES SERVICES$12,506 $22,506 A2800 – Pupil Personal ServicesPage Instructional Salaries$10, Non Instructional Salaries$ 2, Equipment$ Contractual$ 1, Materials & Supplies$ 4,000 $18,325
Adopted Budget Budget Deletions From Initial Draft A2855-INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICSPage Non Instructional Salaries$ 5, Materials & Supplies$ 1,000 $ 6,000 A8070-CENSUSPage Contractual$ 15, Software$ 2, BOCES Services$ 5,940 $22,988 TOTAL$679, Initial Draft $22,284, Adopted Budget$21,604,610 Difference$ 679,584
Tax Rate Impact Adopted Budget Greenburgh Assessed Annual Monthly FMV Value Taxes Projected Increase Increase 100,000 3, ,000 7,625 1,659 1, ,000 15,250 3,317 3, ,000 22,875 4,976 5, ,000,000 30,500 6,635 7, Note: Assumes same assessed value in and
Tax Rate Impact Adopted Budget Mt. Pleasant Assessed Annual Monthly FMV Value Taxes Projected Increase Increase 100,000 1, ,000 3,500 1,666 1, ,000 7,000 3,332 3, ,000 10,500 4,998 5, ,000,000 14,000 6,664 7, Note: Assumes same assessed value in and
Contingency Budgets Single revote: Upon the defeat of the original proposed school budget, a district may resubmit the original budget, submit a revised budget, or adopt a contingency budget. If the voters fail to approve the budget upon the second vote, the district must adopt a contingency budget. Expanded definition: Interscholastic athletics, field trips, other extracurricular activities, and related transportation expenses are contingent expenses.
Contingency Budgets Administrative cap: The administrative component of a contingency budget will be limited to the lesser of: 1) the percentage of the administrative component in the prior year’s budget or 2) the percentage of the administrative component in the last defeated proposed budget. Cap on total spending: Total spending under a contingency budget may not increase by more than 120 % of national CPI or 4.00%, whichever is lower. For the cap is 3.84 %.
Contingency Budget How the contingency/austerity budget cap is calculated: Adopted Budget$19,916,971 Less Debt Service$( 489,309) Adjusted Base Year Budget$19,427,662
Contingency Budget How the maximum contingency/austerity budget cap is calculated: Adjusted Base Year Budget$19,427,662 Adjusted Budget x 120% of CPI3.84% $20,173,684 Debt Service $ 538,175 Growth Related Expenditures$ 726,925 Maximum Contingency Budget$21,438,784 Required Budgetary Cuts$ 165,826
Possible Areas of Expense Reduction All Budgetary Items will Be Considered Items listed below are not in Priority Order Non Mandated Academic Programs Student Supplies Community Use of Buildings and Grounds Certain Equipment Software Staff Technology Overtime Field Trips Summer Camp/Swim Program
Tax Rate Table BUDGET AMOUNT IMPACT ON TAX RATE $ 100,000.68% $ 150, % $ 250, % $ 500, % $ 750, % $ 1,000, %