Lager beer with clear malty flavor and subtle hop bitterness. The lightest beer in “Krynitsa” product range. Density: 11% Alcohol: not less than 4,0% Ingredients: water brewing, barley malt, hops. KRYNITSA- 1
Density: 12,0% Alcohol: not less than 4,6% Ingredients: water, light brewing barley malt, hops. Classic pasteurized lager beer brewed using select malt and best hops. It has clear malt taste with mild hop bitterness and fresh flavor. KRYNITSA Klasichnaye
Density: 13,0% Alcohol: not less than 5.2% Ingredients: water, light barley malt, maltose syrup (M), rise grits, hops. Light fermented beer with pleasant distinct hop bitterness and harmony in flavor. Created in accordance with a special recipe. KRYNITSA Ekspartnaye
Density: 15,0% Alcohol: not less than 6,5% Ingredients: water, light brewing barley malt, hops, sugar. Strong lager beer with clear flavor and light wine aroma. KRYNITSA Motsnaye
Density: 12% Alcohol: not less than 5% Ingredients: water, light brewing barley malt, hops, stabilizer piktin. Classic unclarified lager beer brewed using select malt and best hops. It has clear malt taste with mild hop bitterness and fresh flavor. KRINITSA Nefiltrovanae
Density: 12% Alcohol: not less than 4.5% Ingredients: water, light brewing barley malt, malt caramel malting barley, hops. The sort is characterized by rich flavor of dark beer and delicate bread flavor. Pleasant aftertaste characteristic of dark beers with very slight and smooth bitterness. Dense, creamy, stable foam. KRYNITSA Starazhytnaye
Density: 13,0% Alcohol: not less than 5.5% Ingredients: water, light brewing barley malt, rice grits, hops. Lager dense beer with mild refreshing notes and bright hop aroma. The beer is brewed using high quality barley malt, best bitter and aroma hops. ALEKSANDRYA
It has a fresh, tart taste of the wheaten beer. He has a distinct wheaten taste and harmonic bouquet. This is a drink with a delicate and light malt aroma and delicate sweet flavor. Kult light Density: 12,0% Alcohol: not less than 4.5% Ingredients: water, malt, pale malting barley, wheat, hops.
Number pieces in a package : glass bottle 0,5 L. – 20 bottles in a package (55 packages on a pallet) tin can 0,5 L. – 24 cans in a package (63 packages on a pallet) PET 1,0 L. – 6 bottles in a package (112 packages on a pallet) PET 1,5 L. – 6 bottles in a package (80 packages on a pallet) PET 2,0 L. – 6 bottles in a package (80 packages on a pallet) Shelf life of beer in glass bottles and tin cans 0,5L. – 12 months. Shelf life of beer in PET bottles– 4 months. Custom code of beer in a glass bottle and PET bottle ; beer in a tin cans – Correspond to European ISO requirements Terms of delivery Terms of sales – direct negotiations
Description alco holic cont ent, % unit Curr- ency bank 0,5л PET 1,5л PET 1,0л PET 2,0л glass 0,5л. KRYNITSA-111,0bot.EUR0,240,410,320,510,24 KRYNITSA Klasichnaye 12,0bot.EUR0,240,410,320,510,24 KRYNITSA Ekspartnaye 13,0bot.EUR0,260,430,35-0,26 ALEKSANDRYA13,0bot.EUR0,260,430,350,550,26 KRYNITSA Motsnaye 15,0bot.EUR-0,430,350,560,26 Kult light12,0bot.EUR0,26-0,44-0,26 KRYNITSA Starazhytnaye 12,0bot.EUR-0,44--- JIGULEVSKOE 11,0bot.EUR----0,24 Prices for beer ( terms of delivery FCA, Krinitsa, Minsk)
BAR CODEUNIT FOR PRODUCTION OF JSC KRINITSA Name of productsKind of packing Item number of the product (bar code) KRYNITSA-1 glass 0,5л PET 1,0л PET 1,5л PET 2,0л KRYNITSA Klasichnaye glass 0,5л bank 0,5л PET 1,0л PET 1,5л PET 2,0л KRYNITSA Ekspartnaye glass 0,5л PET 1,0л PET 1,5л PET 2,0л KRYNITSA Ekspartnaye glass 0,5л bank 0,5л PET 1,0л PET 1,5л ALEKSANDRYA glass 0,5л PET 1,0л PET 1,5л PET 2,0л bank 0,5л Kult light glass 0,5л PET 1,0л KRYNITSA Starazhytnaye glass 0,5л PET 1,0л
Office, manufacturing and main warehouse are located at the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Radialnaya str., 52 Administration department of foreign economic activity Tel: , Fax Web site