The Lord is My Sheperd (合) The Lord is my Sheperd, I never shall want. For lack of his mercies, my soul shall not pant, in pleasant green pastures I daily abide, he leads me the peaceful still waters beside. (男獨) My soul he restoreth, and for his name sake, The path of true righteousness bids me,
(女) Yea, tho’I pass thro’deaths dark valley and shade, I will not by evil be ever dismay’d I will not by evil be ever dismay’d (男) bis me to take Yea, tho’ I pass thro’ deaths dark shade, I will not by evil be ever dismay’d, by evil be ever dismay’d. (合) The Lord is my Shepherd, I never shall want.
(合) For thou art my shepherd and with me always, Thy rod and Thy staff are my comfort and stay, My table thou spreadest in presence of foes, my head. Thou anointest, my cup overflows. (女獨) Thy goodness and mercy shall follow me still, While life’s earnest duties I daily fulfil, till joyous.
(合) My spirit shall claim its reward, and dwell ever more in the house of the Lord, ever more in the house of the Lord. The Lord is my Shepherd, I never shall want.