Source: Guardian Category: Retail Date: October Tested: November, 2011 Sample: 95 Chief shoppers 4 page Advert tested – Waitrose
Very clear Quite clear Category (74 ads) UK (863 ads) Normative data (averages) Perceived branding clarity %
Positive answer to 2 out of 3 of: People like you would like this advert? Would like to see the ad again some time? Gives feeling that what was said about brand was worthwhile? As well as being involved, positive to 2 out of 3 of: Increased interest in using BRAND? Improved opinion of BRAND? Would mention points / impressions from ad in conversation? Q Q 6 simple questions derive Involvement and Motivation = Involved = Motivated Involvement & Motivation (AdEval™)
5749 Category (74 ads) UK (863 ads) Total Motivated/involved 69% Normative data (averages) motivated involved Involvement & Motivation (AdEval™) %
Bottom 25% UK Average Top 25% Top 10% motivated Motivation (AdEval™) vs. benchmark data % Normative data
involved Bottom 25% UK Average Top 25% Top 10% Involved (AdEval™) vs. benchmark data % Normative data
Total motivated/ involved Normative data Bottom 25% UK Average Top 25% Top 10% Total Motivated/Involved (AdEval™) vs. benchmark data %
Key to Impact and Role for Advertising Impact = It is advertising I would stop and look at rather than turning the page Re-appraisal = The advertising is surprising and gets me to think differently about (brand)/ the cause/issue Emotional connection = The advertising helps me to connect with (brand) /cause/issue and identify more strongly Call to action = The advertising gives me a reason to go out and buy (brand)/take further action Depth of information = The advertising gives me enough information (to decide whether (brand) is for me) Reminds me of TV = It reminds me of the TV adverts for (brand)
Category average Test ad Impact and Role for Advertising % Impact Re-appraisal Emotional connection Call to action Depth of information Reminds me of TV
All UK average Test ad Impact Re-appraisal Emotional connection Call to action Depth of information Reminds me of TV Impact and Role for Advertising %
Involvement diagnostics The involvement diagnostics ‘wheel’ shows how actively engaging ads are perceived to be by consumers Respondents choose one word from sets of 4 words, to describe ad The preferred territory is generally the top of the wheel, where descriptors are both active and positive. The worst position for standout and involvement is the passive negative area at the bottom of the wheel Higher ‘interesting’, ‘distinctive’ and ‘involving’ responses are linked with higher memorability and brand response
Category average (28 ads*) Test ad Involvement diagnostics % Distinctive Soothing Gentle Dull Irritating Disturbing Interesting Pleasant Weak Boring Unpleasant Involving *Added in February 2011
All UK average (330 ads*) Test ad Involvement diagnostics % Distinctive Soothing Gentle Dull Irritating Disturbing Interesting Pleasant Weak Boring Unpleasant Involving *Added in February 2011
Contacts This study is based on the TNS Mercury™ model of assessing advertising creative For further information, please contact: Judy HarmanJulia Harrison Planning DirectorAssociate Director Newspaper Marketing AgencyKantar Media