Accreditation Student Survey
Overview Of the 455 Student Survey Respondents: Overall the results were more positive than negative when an opinion was given. Positive responses for each survey question were totaled, and the top five from the survey were found. The same was done with the negative responses.
Positive Responses Top 5 in Order From Greatest
#3 #4
#5 Now let’s look at what students feel EVC could improve…
Negative Responses Top 5 in order from Greatest
#5 Notice that the responses are always greater in the agreement areas. But some statements like this one had high response numbers across the range….
Mixed Bag Responses Top 5 in Order From Greatest
#1 Mixed bag responses are those where no opinion responses are close in number to the positive responses.
Conclusions Over all students are happy attending EVC. Some students feel that some departments within Student Services could make improvements. Mixed bag responses are interesting to review. ◦Do students have no opinion because they don’t know about services and events ◦Do students have no opinion because they choose not to use services or participate? Students were very free with their comments ◦155 students voiced specific comments to the college ◦Comments ranged in length from three or four words to a full page of specifics. ◦All are valid views and should be reviewed and addressed.