Debbie Pleasant
Welcome To The Freshman Academy
Our Promise Transitioning to high school can be a stressful process. Here at Scott high school our team is dedicated in making this transition as smooth as possible.
Getting ready for high school Make sure you attend your scheduled tour with your middle school. Set up an appointment to meet your principal and freshman teachers. Make sure you have your basic school supplies. Go to bed early in order to get enough rest. Eat a healthy breakfast every morning.
Major differences between middle school and high school Pass or fail each grade. Resource classes for kids with special needs. Pre-teen with minimum responsibilities. Parents/guardians are mainly your advocates. Several accommodations. Earn credits towards graduation. Resource room for additional support and task completion. Young adults with many responsibilities. Become an advocate for your self. Strategies learned to decrease accommodations. Middle schoolHigh school
Organizational Strategies Sit in the front of the classroom for less distractions. Have a different folder/binder for each subject. Be on time for each class. Review the chapter or next assignment before coming to class. If you are struggling academically, request tutoring from your teachers.
If you sign up for tutoring, then ATTEND. Commit to a weekly locker clean out. Use your school agenda to record daily assignments, homework, and projects due dates. Complete daily assignments and turn them in on time. If you don’t understand something ask for assistance. Come to each class prepared with a pencil/pen and a notebook and any other required tools.
Test Taking Tips Read each question carefully. Read directions for the test carefully. Do the easy ones first, then go back and do the hard ones. Make sure you answer the question that is asked – beware of the SUCKER answer. For Multiple Choice tests: if impossible or silly cross it out, back plug (substitute) one of them as to be the answer.
Resource Squad We are fortunate to be able to offer three resource rooms in our building. General Resource Room: - Used for all subject areas, mainly used by upperclassmen, located on the upper level in room 220, and serviced by Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Moon, Mr. Simmons and Mrs. Washnock. Math Resource Room: - Used by all students with and without IEP’s, located on the upper level in room 214, serviced by Mrs. Green who is a special education teacher with a strong math background. Freshman Academy Resource Room: - Mainly used by freshman students, used for all subject areas, located in the Freshman Academy’s conference room on the lower level, serviced by Mrs. Pleasant.