Human Resources Management
Poor HR… Hire wrong people Staff under performs Employee dissatisfaction…attrition Difficult employees Under utilize employee capacities Break laws
Personnel Process 1. Development of the job description 2. Creation of the job announcement 3. Candidate recruitment 4. Candidate selection 5. Orientation, T & D 6. Performance appraisal 7. Employee motivation & rewards 8. Employee discipline Search Process
Step 1: Development of the job description * Job Analysis * Job Classification * Job Description
Job Analysis Systematic collection of information regarding the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOCs)/competencies required to perform a job successfully
Job Analysis Job activities Educational requirements Equipment used Working conditions Supervisory and management responsibilities Interpersonal communication skills Agency contacts External contacts KSAOCs/ competencies
Job Analysis Job activities –Specific activities that an employee will need to perform in order to complete required assignments –Examples…
Job Analysis Educational requirements –Degrees & certifications –Experience –Example
Job Analysis Equipment used
Job Analysis Working conditions –Dirt, heat, noise, fumes, clean, pleasant –Physical requirements –Degree of each –Percent of work time spent in each –Schedule – weekends, PT FT, evenings –Work pace –Example…
Job Analysis Supervisory and management responsibilities –PT & FT ee’s & volunteers –Any hiring, training, scheduling, evaluating, and dismissing employees Interpersonal communication skills –Phone, face to face, electronic, media –Frequency
Job Analysis Agency contacts –People within the organization the employee will come into contact with when completing job tasks –Maintenance, marketing, special rec External contacts –Media, other agencies, hospitals
Job Analysis Competencies/KSAOC’s needed –Knowledge – information required for the position understanding of exercise physiology, strength training techniques, kinesiology, and exercise –Skills - specific observable abilities required to perform the particular tasks of the position Assesses for muscle strength, mobility, gait, ROM-potential for rehab Implements individualized exercise plans
Job Analysis Competencies/KSAOC’s needed –Abilities – Aptitudes for a position, how well they complete a task Ability and flexibility to –manage multiple tasks simultaneously –motivate others to initiate behavior change –work with diverse groups and special populations. –Characteristics –attitudes, personality factors or mental traits needed Positive attitude, ethical, honest
Job Analysis How to gather information –Interview –Questionnaire –Structured checklist –Observation –Diary/log –Combination of methods
Job Analysis Why –Helps to write job description & determine series & classification –Demonstrates how criteria for selecting ee’s is directly related to job requirements A few laws…
Job Analysis ADA (1990) –Qualified applicant – one who can perform the essential functions of the job. Essential Functions – primary job duties; exclude marginal or peripheral tasks not critical to the performance of the primary job function
Job Analysis Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (1978) –Requires job analysis –Must show that criteria est. for hiring are related to the position Equal Pay Act of 1963 –Similar pay for similar work –Job analysis is legal defense
Job Analysis Civil Rights Act of 1964 –Job analysis helps to accurately describe job duties and to defend the qualifications needed in a job Occupational Safety & Health Act of 1970 –Job analysis establishes the work conditions and risks faced at work
Step 1: Preparing to Open the Job: * Job Analysis * Job Classification & Type * Job Description
Classification Systems Classes – group of positions that have comparable responsibilities (horizontal) –Education levels –Previous experience –Span numerous departments –Subject to same benefits & salary ranges
Classification Systems Series – a form of vertical classification of employees –Within a certain department –A gradation of skills & qualifications –PT Assistant, PT –Personal Trainer 1, 2, 3 –Specialist, Supervisor, Coordinator –Assistant AD, Associate AD, Senior Associate AD
Classes Series
Reading Org Charts Lines show chain of command Levels should be similar Determine distinction between titles: –Manager, supervisor, coordinator, specialist, leader
Types of Employees Hourly –Full time –Part time Salary –Most often full time Contractual